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subject: Simplyanti Aging - Natures Fountain Of Youth [print this page]

Walking is one of the easiest ways to improve overall health and decrease your risks of developing a host of degenerative diseases. There is not even a single area of the body that will not benefit from a consistent walking program. It should be your first line of defense against an aging body and health concerns.

Some of the benefits include weight reduction, lowers stress levels, improves sexual performance, lessens depression, and improves joint movement for several kinds of arthritis.

We all know that walking is one of the primary methods of burning calories and losing weight. One study concludes that those who walk one mile at a leisurely pace actually burns more calories than had they walked one mile at their normal pace.

It is a well documented fact that stress can age you. Walking calms the stressful spirit. Far too many of our illnesses and diseases originate from our less than healthy reaction to stress.

In a study of three groups of students, those who walked moderately every day, those who worked out vigorously daily and those who were sedentary. The results showed that the group who walked not only had lower stress levels than the sedentary group, but also than those who worked out. Of course, an overlooked reason for the improvement can often be associated with the camaraderie that very often accompanied a group of people walking together.

Some time to think and enjoy the beauty of nature is a form of stress reduction. If you feel overwhelmed at work and at home, you should give walking a try.

The American Council on Exercise suggests that a brisk walk can be just as effective in improving your performance in the bedroom as taking prescription drugs. Walking promotes the body"s release of hormones, so walkers are going to have increased levels of desire. Forget the Viagra.

Is you suffer from aches, pains and discomfort associated with arthritis, exercise is one of the best ways to keep the muscles around your joints strong. Just thirty minutes each day of walking will strengthen both the bone and the cartilage tissue. If you are overweight, you"re more likely to suffer from arthritis. Walking can help bring down those numbers too.

Check with your health care practitioner if you suffer from a chronic disease or condition. Once you get clearance from your doctor, you are on the road to a robust new lifestyle that will pay dividends for many years to come.

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by: vidahumphreys

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