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subject: Teeth decay – how to prevent it? [print this page]

Teeth decay how to prevent it?
Teeth decay how to prevent it?

There are many reasons why we should pay more attention to our mouth, but what also is very important is how to prevent the bad diseases that appear there. Virtually there is one mouth illness, which has been a problem for the humanity since the origin of the world. This disease is directly related with the teeth decaying. As you can guess in the lines that follow, we will become quite familiar with different manners necessary to prevent this problem.

On the base of my propensity and fondness, I want to present you first the reasons why we have to be bothered about the teeth decay. For those who are not acquainted with this disease, they have to know that this is the first stage of teeth ruining. The meaning is that once our teeth start decaying the caries is on its way to become reality. As a matter of fact, the main reason of this illness is the bacterium that provokes the bad breath in our mouth. Someone will probably ask why and I will explain in the following lines. When we become hosts of this germ, it starts to feed itself with the junks between our teeth. After a serious period of time and development, these bacteria create the plaque. As a consequence, the enamel of some teeth starts to fall. Precisely for those reasons, we need to attempt to prevent the ruining of our teeth.

There are chemical and natural ways with which we can try to get over the teeth decay. The subsistence used in the chemical one are now meant to be dangerous and rather ineffective. So in this sense, it is inferred that the best way is to use natural manners.

Indeed, these natural products or ways are not exactly natural, because one of the main activities that we have to do is to make schedule for dental visitations. The orthodontist is the specialist that we need, because he or she can give us the best conceivable guidance about what to do. Another quite crucial factor that we need to observe exceedingly correct and permanent is the brushing. This functionality must be attained at least twice a day. In addition, flossing with soft dental threads can be included. The flossing and brushing are two very important components in protection of our teeth. Furthermore, we must rinse our mouth occasionally and after each meal. Virtually, there are a couple of restrictions, which are good to be executed. For example, we can reduce the quantity of chocolates or other sugar articles. They are the main causer of our mouth troubles. Cigarettes, wine, coffee, and products with colouring agents are recommended to be ceased or at least decreased.

If you want to know how you can have white teeth, please read this article. If you want to know how you can prevent parodontitis, visit this website.

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