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Career Change In Heels Review
Career Change In Heels Review

Over the past 25 years I have had several career changes and along the way I have earned a good income enabling me to provide well for my family and lead the lifestyle I wanted.

So the nagging question in my mind was:Grab A Copy Click here

"Why are there so many women out there who are smarter than me, yet they work at jobs that are, quite frankly,

beneath their talents?"

That question prompted me to train as a coach specializing in career change for women so I could do my part to help women who were considering changing careers. These women had different reasons for wanting to change career -

* Some had lost their jobs due to the recession, and wanted to use the opportunity to try something different.

* Others had a change of life circumstance that left them unsatisfied with their job or career.

* But by far the biggest group were women who had that uneasy, unfulfilled feeling that there was something missing in their work life the feeling they should be working at something more in line with their life purpose.

As I have other business interests, not to mention a young family, I could only help a few women every week. As I started to become known for my career change work with women I was getting more and more requests from women to see me.

I had worked out my own mission in life a few years back, and it goes like this:Grab A Copy Click here

"It is my mission to empower and enable women who want to better

their lives so they can be truly abundant in every area"

There was more women coming to me for career change help than I could cope with, and because of my personal mission, I felt I was letting them down.

So I looked around to find some resources for these women, and I was quite shocked to find in this so called information age', there was very little out there on career change specifically for women.

That, to me, was a challenge I couldn't resist. I decided if there was no such resource out there, I would use my experience as a career change coach as well as the experiences I had when I changed career myself. I also set to work interviewing other career change' women.

So for the past two years as well as speaking to my career change clients, I have interviewed over 100 successful women "career changers" ordinary women just like you who have changed what they do for a living.

By doing so these women have made really positive changes in their lives and the lives of their families.

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