subject: Does The Amount Of Days Before Ovulation Influence Whether You Have A Boy Or A Girl? [print this page] Does The Amount Of Days Before Ovulation Influence Whether You Have A Boy Or A Girl?
Over the weekend, I received an email from a woman who asked me, in part: "if I have intercourse or sex a certain number of days before ovulation, will this affect the baby's gender or whether I have a boy or a girl baby?" The answer to this question can be yes, but it's really not as straight forward as all of that. I'll discuss this more in the following article.
How Having Intercourse In The Days Before, After, Or During Ovulation Can Affect Baby Gender: Before I get into which days are best for which gender, I want to explain why this is so. Basically, a man's sperm contains X and Y chromosomes. (The woman's contain only X.) If an X sperm chromosome is the one that fertilizes the egg to result in a pregnancy, then you would get a female baby. If you're hoping for a son, then you should hope that it's a Y which fertilizes your egg.
But, not being able to see inside the reproductive tract to see what's going on, how in the world can you influence whether it is X or Y who is the ultimate winner? Well, you use what you know about their differences. The sperm that makes baby boys is sort of the guys who live fast and die young. They are fast swimmers but they burn themselves out much quicker than the X sperm, who are slow and steady and who also have longevity on their side.
And, this is where the days before or after ovulation come in to play. Since the Y sperm is so short lived, you really do not want to have sex before ovulation (if you want a male baby.) Because in this case, you would have weakening and dying off sperm chromosomes waiting around and getting weaker by the hour. If you are going for a boy baby, you are much better off shooting for the actual day of ovulation. This is really the gold standard. If you have to, you can go into the next day (one day after) but this is as far as you should go. It won't hurt anything to keep trying AFTER this time frame (but not before.) It just likely won't be successful after a few days.
On the flip side of the coin, if you want a girl, you should know that the X sperm chromosomes can afford to hang out and wait. They aren't nearly as weakened or deteriorated by this process. And, since you actually want for the Y's to die out, then you're much better off having intercourse in the 3-4 day period before ovulation occurs. This can be harder to pinpoint than the day of ovulation since most of the predictors that you buy in the store only give you the day of not the days before. For this, I like saliva predictors which I believe to be more accurate, especially in predicting the days before the egg is ready. You really do not want to blend into the time period before or after when you are trying for a girl. You want to be very precise.
Don't Stop With Ovulation Timing: What I've discussed previously is pretty important, but you really should not stop right there. You should also make sure that you have the optimal PH for the gender that you want. For example, if you are wanting a girl baby, then you need to be acidic because acid will help in the Y sperm deterioration process. But, if you want a boy baby, then you want to be alkaline because this is the only environment that is gentle enough not to harm these guys.
You can find out your PH by using little litmus strips that should not run you over $20. Then, if you are not at the level you want, you can raise or lower with either douching or a special diet. I would recommend you also get yourself a very good food list if you are going this route because some lists will tell you that a certain food has a high PH without taking into account that it turns alkaline once it begins to become metabolized. This can make a big difference. But, you would likely see this difference if you are using the strips every day and trying to determine which foods are actually working the best for you.
Another thing that you can do is to have shallow intercourse if you are pulling for the X's and deeper penetration if you want the Y's to be successful.
I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender when getting pregnant. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for douche recipes and food pH lists, information on when to conceive, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / pH testing strips.
If you want a girl baby, check out
If you want a boy baby, check out
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