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subject: Making Money On Line - Is There A Best Way? [print this page]

Internet marketing is a huge global industry now, with many different categories, but people are still asking the question is there one most successful way of making money on line? Well, the short answer to that is that there is not one way. There are many, just as there are many people who are succeeding with their internet businesses, all doing something different.

There must be a million different kinds of brick and mortar businesses in the world. The success of the people who run them does not necessarily depend on the type of business. It depends on the way they run it. There has always been a misconception around this. I have often heard people say that if only they could come up with the cleverest idea they would be millionaires. They do not realize that successful people simply started with an idea that appealed to them and then they did not give up! Einstein said he did not think he was much smarter than other people, just that he stayed with problems for longer. He never gave up.

The internet industry is exactly the same in principle. Success is not created only by an idea, but rather by the way the business owner works with that idea. So if you want to start an internet business, and you want success, choose something that you like. Read up about it, buy a product to help you, communicate with other people in the same arena.

There is no one perfect way. You do not have to choose the best option. Choose the option that is best for you. And do not give up until you succeed with it. That is how you will make real money online. Persistence is much more effective than any clever idea. This is true of anything, but it is particularly true of e-business.

by: Kate Costello

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