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subject: Become a Life Coach Without Worrying About Money [print this page]

Become a Life Coach Without Worrying About Money

When I first wanted to be a life coach, I was so frustrated about money. I just wanted to help people and make a difference for people, but I didnt want to have to worry about money. Money just got in the way of me helping people. I had to work full time, so I couldnt devote all my time to life coaching and attracting clients like I wanted. If we didnt live in a society of money and they didnt have to pay me, then I could have all the clients I wanted, life coach all the time and really help people. Because I would life coach for free all day long if I could because I love it so much. I felt money was stopping me from being a life coach.

Little did I know how faulty my line of thinking was. Money had nothing to do with it. Even if we lived in a society without money, I still wouldnt have been a successful life coach. And neither would anyone else that has the same line of thinking. Money wasnt the problem. I was. Me being at odds with money was only an outside reflection of my own lack of inner value and trust in myself. And people who dont trust themselves cant make good life coaches for others.

If youre frustrated about money being in the way, its probably because you cant attract clients or get clients to pay you. You probably have a difficult time asking for money thinking youre not worth it, or thinking they wouldnt pay for your services, or youre not worth it and on and on. Or you feel dirty in asking for money, feeling like its selfish or greedy to ask for money in a cause so pure as life coaching and causing transformation in another human being.

Luckily, all these feelings are hogwash and completely untrue. They feel real, but they can be undone. Why? Because theyre not real, and theyre not true. The answer has nothing to do with eliminating money or being in conflict with money. Because theres nothing wrong with money.

Money is the perfect teacher for life coaches. Money throws all your issues about your own value right in your face and makes you deal with it before you can move on and help people. So the answer is to learn to embrace your own value, charge what youre worth, ask for money and keep your day job for now. It takes time to transform these feelings and beliefs. It takes time to embody, embrace and claim your worth enough to communicate your value, proclaim your value and make a stand for it.

You must also learn to embrace money and stop being at odds with it or in conflict with it. Money is your friend. Its here to serve you. Its not more powerful than you. It doesnt enslave you. It doesnt hold you back. Money is your servant. It has no power. Only the power you give it. So you must learn to embrace every aspect of money, see how money serves you, and be grateful for the money you do have.

Again, it wont come overnight, but it will come with dedicated commitment and practice. You can learn to attract clients and have them pay you. You can be a successful life coach. Your biggest challenge is to embrace your value and claim it straight on. May you find the courage and the commitment to do so.

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