subject: What Christian Treatment Centers Focus on [print this page] What Christian Treatment Centers Focus on
Christian treatment centers are indispensable to the assistance as it relates to drug addiction and alcoholism. The addict gets the chance to reinstate their lives and make it more productive. In treatment, the individual is able to participate in the study of God's word, worship, prayer discussion groups that foster information and imparted knowledge that will equip them to live in the outside world. The Holy Spirit is their guide to following in the path of righteousness and letting go of the things that the world has to offer things that are not positive, but damaging to the soul, the health, the mind and the spirit.
Most Christian recovery centers do provide a detoxification process that is similar to the traditional form of treatment. The phase is the same. The individual has to endure things such as nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, seizures, chills, and tremors. They have to complete this phase because it is vital to move them to the next level of treatment. When the person completes this detox phases, they then are physically examined to make sure that there are no threats to their health. If they need prescribed medication, it is at this point that it is offered.
In a lot of Christian rehab programs, the addict will then move to the phase where a therapist is introduced. This is a significant phase to also complete and it is ongoing. The therapist has to know everything there needs to be about you. This professional will ask you pertinent questions about your past life, your current life and your addiction. They have to know all there is to known because it will certainly provide a better perception of the situation and how they will be best able to assist you.
The addict is then assigned a counselor and in most faith based facilities; this is usually done by an ordained minister. This person is experienced enough with the evil forces of darkness to be able to assist you through counseling, prayer and suggestions that will help you to make better decisions for your life.
Priscilla was impacted by pastoral counseling. She had the distinct pleasure of being counseled by a female pastor who was particularly patient, loving and helpful. This person displayed godly qualities that far outweigh a religion. It was more because the person had a personal relationship with God and it showed. The person demonstrated the fruits of the Holy Spirit in more ways than one.
Priscilla took to going to her counselor more than she should have because of the close bond that was developing between them. The counselor, of course, did not mind helping anyone including Priscilla. She took her job as God's assignment and she upholds the principles and the integrity of God.
She was glad to know how much impact she had on Priscilla's recovery because her case was particularly sensitive and she treated it that way without becoming judgmental. With God's strength, both Priscilla and her counselor were able to fight against the attacks that the enemy would bring as Priscilla came closer to her recovery.
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