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Connection Personal Trainer - Discover Your Online Personal Trainer
I always try and keep explanations more simple than scientific BUT with matters concerning the body, sometimes things need to be backed up with a bit of human biology...I often refer to the term Starvation mode' as the reason why most commercial diets don't work. If you are still in any doubt as to why, then science will provide two inarguable reasons.
==> Connection Personal Trainer - All You'll Ever Need!
When your body experiences any quick weight loss through extreme dieting, the body recognises it as an attack on its energy reserve and immediately takes all sorts of defensive actions. Firstly, your body increases the amount and activity of an enzyme that is used to collect and store fat. Secondly, it slows your metabolic rate which reduces your ability to burn fat even more! Scarier still is that these two things will continue for weeks after you stop the diet, because your body has a memory of exactly how much fat it had...and it wants it back! Here we have the classic yo-yo dieting situation.
Once the extreme diet inevitably comes to a merciful end, your body will grab and store every molecule of fat that you eat. You will put back on every ounce of fat that you lost PLUS a little bit more which the body uses for insurance' against future extreme dieting attempts!
==> Connection Personal Trainer - All You'll Ever Need!
The body needs your help to lose weight by using sensible methods rather than extreme ones. There is a good reason that it cannot be tricked by any fads or gimmicks; the body has an inbuilt gauge of its own body-fat levels called the fat point'.
Some people say that each person is designed to be comfortable and healthy only at a certain level of fat and that the body will always revert to that level. Fortunately, they are wrong! The amount of fat you carry is nothing to do with your genes; it is caused by what you eat and what you do. Being overweight is a result of one's lifestyle which is why I always advocate small manageable changes to a person's lifestyle in order to make long term changes to the way they look and feel.
When you stay at a body-fat level for a year or two your body develops all the cells, nerves, enzyme counts, capillaries, hormone levels and connective tissues to support it. It comes to recognise that level of fat as self and will defend it vigorously. That is your fat point.
The body constantly monitors its fat point with hormonal messengers which warn the brain to take defensive action if even a single ounce is suddenly used for fuel. That's why the usual forms of dieting can't possibly work.
The reason why the principles advocated on my Personal Trainer are effective long term is because everything addresses small lifestyle changes that are sympathetic to the bodies' needs. You cannot trick or bully your body into losing weight BUT with respectful, healthy, kind treatment it will reward you with a figure or physique to be proud of and the greatest thing you will ever own.
To find out more and discover everything you will ever need to know about nutrition, exercise and motivation, join the revolution at Connection Personal Trainer
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