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subject: Brainetics Review -- One Mother's Thoughts [print this page]

Brainetics Review -- One Mother's Thoughts

Brainetics Review:

Brainetics is an educational program that was just recently released. It is a very controversial product, in the sense that it does things to work on your child's memory in very advanced ways. The claims of this educational product are staggering, and for this reason, some people are wondering if it is just another flash in the pan educational tool.

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But the truth is that the creator of this product has changed things up a bit. He is working to help your child use both memory and critical thinking skills simultaneously. In traditional education methods we either work the left brain, or the right brain. It's sort of like what exercise used to be. In the past we would work our biceps, and then when done with those we would go over to another machine and work our hamstrings, and so on. The new way of thinking, in exercise terms, is to work the whole body at once. Synergistic training has reshaped nutritional and exercise science, and the maker ofBrainetics has essentially done the same to education. He is asking that our children utilize their total mind when learning, and the results, according to some parents, have been stunning. As a former educator who turned to sales (because of the high cost of living in California), I must say that I do appreciate the field that is education, and with two small children who will soon begin the educational process, I must say that I look forward toBrainetics making its way to our household.

Visit the Official Brainetics Site!

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