subject: Treatment For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [print this page] There are a few solutions for eliminating carpal tunnel pain that include specific exercises or at the very least surgery. Carpal tunnel surgery is an invasive procedure that is not guaranteed to work. In fact over 75% of all carpal tunnel surgeries fail. In simple terms that means that you would go through this surgery waist a lot of money and time recovering and your pain will still not be gone.
Now like most people you're wondering is there really a viable alternative to surgery that will work for treatment of carpal tunnel. Well the simple answer is yes. And you should know that most surgeons only recommend surgery after you've exhausted all other options. So even they know that surgery is not the best solution for treatment of CTS. The key is finding a workable solution for yourself.
What you need to do is strengthen the tendons in your wrist and elbows but how do you do it. There a quite a few products that promise to help you eliminate your pain and you're probably wondering if they really work. After all, the people selling these products stand to benefit when you buy them but how do you really know if it will work. Well I can tell as you as a personal trainer with clients who had CTS that the programs work. To add value to my training I purchased one of these products studied it and taught the exercises to my client. Well the results were good. Their carpal tunnel pain went away.
This treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome didn't cost them anything because they were already paying me as their trainer. But even if they did have to purchase the system themselves it wouldn't cost them nearly the $10,000 that the surgery would cost. As a matter of fact the system was less that what they paid me as a personal trainer.
You can treat yourself and get rid of your pain but the key is you have to take action. I'm sure you want that nagging, stinging, or numbness to go away. You don't have to live with this condition you can get rid of it now.
The choice is yours.
by: jelani simba khalfani
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