subject: Different Types Of Illinois Water Treatment Systems [print this page] There are a few different types of Illinois water treatment systems for the home, and they all have different benefits and some have a few drawbacks, too. However, with a little bit of knowledge you can find the system that will be right for your home. If you know what to look for and you have a particular budget you want to stick to, here are a couple of popular options for you and the health of your home and family.
The first type of Illinois water treatment system we will cover are chlorinators. These are made to kill bacteria and viruses that are often found in home systems, as well as chelate, iron, sulfur and manganese. In Illinois, outside chlorinators are now illegal. These chlorinators were large open tanks of water and chlorine that treat the H2O right after the pressure tank on private well water. There are smaller indoor versions available now. Since they add concentrated chlorine to water, you have to also have a carbon filter on your system that is required to remoe that chlorine. You also need a resin bed system to remove the particulates that fall out of solution.
However, when they are properly maintained, a chlorinator, carbon filter and resin bed combination is very effective at treating water. The down side is that it is a very expensive combination, and you will still need a water softener and a reverse osmosis system to properly and safely carry out the Illinois water treatment effectively.
A second type of process that is used as an Illinois water treatment process is the reverse osmosis system that was just mentioned. These Illinois water treatment systems are made to remove all kinds of types of contaminants that include radium, lead, mercury, arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, petrochemicals, industrial and pharmaceutical contaminants, viruses, bacteria, cysts, chlorine and many others. However, these types of reverse osmosis systems are pretty pricey sometimes, and they waste a lot of water during their cleaning functions.
They are only able usually to produce a few gallons of purified water every day, and the process is a very slow one. Not only that, but most of these Illinois water treatment systems require frequent cartridge and membrane changes too. Most of these systems are really just installed under the kitchen sink of a home. They require a holding tank in addition to a separate drinking faucet as well. These are just a couple of the more expensive Illinois water treatment systems available for home owners and property owners.
by: Phoenix Delray
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