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subject: Creating a perfect nursery room on a budget [print this page]

Creating a perfect nursery room on a budget

Creating, decorating and planning that perfect nursery is fun and exciting. Getting everything for your new baby altogether in one room is when it really hits you that you are pregnant. Sourcing products for your nursery can be time consuming but don't let it consume you. Get family members to help you, they will appreciate being to help and you will feel a lot less stressed too.

The first step to creating a nursery is to make a plan. Plan what you want to happen in your nursery, plan what look you want to achieve and plan how you are going to maximise the space you have. Work out your budget and stick to it.

The next step is decorating. Decorating a nursery is another step towards getting ready for your new bundle of joy which is even more exciting.

Below are a few tips and ideas that will help you create that perfect space for your little one.

1. Use soothing colours, blues and pinks are nice, but warm colours such as yellow, pale green and cream help to create a warm, tranquil place for both parent and baby.

2. Initially only buy minimal furniture, then when you can buy what you need as you need it, a cot, changing table, rocking chair, and black out blind are the bare furniture basics you will need.

3. Get creative. Nursery walls don't have to be bland, and they should not be. Why not try your hand at stencilling, or perhaps even creating a piece of wall art on one wall to create a focal point.

4. Try and give your nursery a theme, whether you like the minimalist look, the princess room look, or the Disney themed look try to incorporate a look that will attract and fascinate your little one.

5. Make sure your nursery is safe and secure, make sure all pieces of furniture are well constructed and safety approved. Make sure all baby essentials from powders to nappies are kept safely stored away out of the reach of little wandering hands.

If you don't have a big budget then there are lots of good items you can make to save money when you are decorating a nursery, for example you could make your own paintings to hang on the wall, knit some throws for your rocking chair, and even hand make a mobile to give it that personal touch. Creative thinking together with a bit of planning will help you create the nursery of your dreams.

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