subject: Forex Leo Trader Pro [print this page] Forex Leo Trader Pro Forex Leo Trader Pro
Let's start from the beginning... and please pay close attention here.
You are about to learn THE most important, and regrettably, "deceiving" truth when it comes to advertised Forex trading products.
Take a few seconds and answer the following question:
No matter what Forex related advertising you come across...
what is the primary strategy that the "marketer" of the FX product uses to suck you into purchasing their automated trading solution?
Take you time..think about this VERY carefully!
Think about all those FX related websites you have come across in the past few days:
- What do they all have in common?
- What do they all revolve their entire marketing efforts around?
- What "strategy" do they use to persuade YOU to buy their product?
Could it be "performance"? Yes it could...and yes IT IS!
Every single Forex robot / product vendor that you will (or have already) stumbled upon (online or offline) will concentrate every single marketing effort around the s-u-p-p-o-s-e-d-l-y high performance of their robot / system / signals, etc...
...825% in 2 months... 375% in 17 days... 27% in 2 days... or,
...enter here, exit there charts, nail 137 pips... or,
...a graphic of a supposedly LIVE account statement showing "undeniable proof"...
...and that is just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg. But if you have been around in the niche for a bit, you know already all the tricks-of-the-trade!
Yes...using FAKE or CHERRY PICKED performance "proof" proof is the #1 strategy which automated FX solution vendors use to...
...SUCKYOU into thinking that what they are selling is a DIAMOND when in reality it is nothing more than a FAKE stone!
Online marketers are true masters when it comes to using KILLER performance data in their marketing efforts.
Please pay close attention here because no matter what you do, no matter what Forex robot / system / signals service, etc. you choose to purchase in the future, you MUST understand the following:
Advertised performance is as useless as an umbrella on a day without rain UNLESS the owner of the product provides concrete TRANSPARENT proof that the account is a real-money, live-traded account.
No more... no less... no compromises what-so-ever!
Either YOU are provided with solid proof that the account is a real money, live-traded account, or you should regard the robot / system / signal service, etc. and ANY proof associated with it as USELESS...
...and that's the end of it!
We will say this again because it is the most important element of any decision making process that you'd go through when deciding what FX product to purchase/use:
If no real-money, live account proof is provided (i.e. investor password access to the account)...
...AND if the brokerage where the accounts are being traded won't certify their transactions... the product and any proof associated with it is USELESS.
So you can better understand...
Let's take a look at an example from a more common situation that will illustrate this crucial rule in automated FX trading:
Suppose you want to buy a car...
Before you buy it, surely want to know if the engine works... that the car drives as advertised... and that it's comfortable, etc. - right?
Now... would you know all this?
Very simple (and those who have bought a car do know!): You would ask the car salesman for the keys to the car so that you can verify every detail related to its performance!
What if the car salesman tells you "sorry, I can't provide you with the car keys, you will have to take my word for it that the car performs as advertised".
Yeah... right!
You see the point?
Well, same thing goes for automated FX trading:
The "car keys" is the "account investor password" and... the same way that you would never, ever, buy a car without the salesman first giving you the keys so you can start it to check its performance... to hear and test the engine... should never, EVER buy an FX product if the vendor states that an account statement (i.e. performance proof) is a real-money, live account BUT will not give you the investor password to the account so you can LOG-IN and verify:
1. Each and every trade taken (entry, exit, ticket #)
2. That the account is a real-money, live account
3. That the advertised performance data is accurate
Is there anything wrong in advertising performance in your FX product marketing efforts?
Absolutely NOT!
Is it strange that we say that? NO!
It is actually a MUST to use performance proof when presenting an automated FX product to the public - as long as the performance is REAL!!!
Again... as long as the performance is REAL! Sorry for repeating this so much, but you've GOT to GET it... "REAL"!
At the end of the day, FX trading is a business of performance, that is why YOU buy an FX automated solution... you want performance, you want real profit.
Now...before we move on, if you haven't done so yet, make SURE to:
1.- View our tutorial video which explains what account investor password is in much detail by CLICKING HERE. And,
2.- If you haven't yet logged into our 113% PER MONTH, almost 5 months now...real-money, live account (yes, LIVE 24/5!) yet, CLICK HERE to watch a video showing how to do it.
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