I had heard a great deal about Zygor's leveling guide, and when I tried it, I knew why I had heard so many good things. This guide is all about assisting you as you play the game and not telling you where to go next.
When discussing this guide with other players, I was told that the best part of it, was the personalization of every little detail in the guide. That is what they strive for! Their entire system is customizable to however you would like. From the quests that you want to do, to the way your in game leveling devise looks. They have thought it all out.
If you want even more information on this guide, visit this great review of Zygor's Leveling Guide.
Zygor's in game leveling tool was the first ever created and over the years has become the industry standard. Zygor's questing tool has a built in mathematical equation that guarantees the quickest routes ever. This guide is designed for questing only, and will get you all the way to level 80 in just about a week's worth of playing time. The added bonus is the ability to gain a great deal of gold and items while you level.
Zygor's creators are some of the very first players of WOW and continue to play today. Their knowledge is now yours for the taking.
On of the biggest reasons why players level so slowly are the quests that have been designed to do that, slow you down. This is to help develop more of the story line and equal out the leveling experience. They have limited experience that they grant, and low level items. |These quests give you small amounts of experience and crappy items. This is a great thing for those players who wish to follow along with the story lines, but for those who wish to level as quickly and effectively as possible, they need another solution. All of those worthless quests will disappear from your view when you use Zygors guide.
Each quest has good items you can sell as well as high levels of experience, this is the best way to level fast and make a good amount of gold.
Still not convinced? No problem, check out the details of the guide at Zygor's Leveling Guide.
No matter what type of character you want to start leveling, Zygors will have the starting zone covered for you to begin your quest. Including the Death Knight starting zone, Zygors allows you to choose any character and level them because of the immense amount of data they have on every questing path You can now rest easy, knowing that you are going to have total freedom when it comes to choosing which character to start with.
They will also base the quest path you take on what is best for the character that you choose. That is an awesome feature that makes your job so much easier. The freedom to be able to use whatever character you want makes this guide great for both new and old players.
The in game leveling tool is such a joy to work with. It gives you total control over it, allowing you to adjust its size, color, shape as well as the guides ability to blend in with your back drop. Never feel like your in game tool is taking over your screen again.
What if you have started leveling but want some help? No problem, they will scan where you are at and then show you the next best quest chain. No more fumbling for the right quest chain to get on track with your leveling guide. You also have the option of skipping over quests that you are not interested in doing, or quests that may no longer give you any experience.
In addition to this awesome leveling guide you will be given a great bonus guide on building the ultimate talent build for your character. Many players fumble with trying to find the best talents when leveling, this guide takes all the guess work out of it.
Now you have a definitive answer to the burning question of the best leveling talent build for every character class. Zygor's once again does all the thinking for you. Heck, they will add your talents in automatically if you want. If you have a different idea of how to spend your talent points then that is still an option.
I cannot find a more customizable leveling guide the Zygors out there. This guide is all about focusing on customizing your leveling experience. Whether it be with the talent builder, or the custom in game leveling tool, you will never find a better way to level your character!
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