subject: Tips For The Traveling Senior [print this page] At this point in your life does traveling to far-off places, visiting family, or reuniting with your school buddies sound more and more like a reality than a dream? Now is absolutely the time to take that trip, and with a little planning your trip will be enjoyable, and safe. Planning your trip can be part of the fun!
Doctors have suggested that we can have more energy and stay more healthy if we stay more active. Traveling is truly one of the best ways of keep your mind and body exercised.
The mind and body will be kept active and healthy when visiting new places. People over the age of fifty are becoming the majority of today's travelers as lifespans have increased and health has improved for older citizens.
Here are some tips to help you stay safe when traveling so your trips will always be enjoyable instead of stressful. The first step is to find a travel agency that has representatives who specialize in plans for seniors. Be selective when choosing your traveling partners.
You always want to travel with at least one other person for safety and enjoyment. While family is always a great choice, don't forget to think about neighbors and friends, as well.
Group travel will usually get you a discount on airfare and accommodations. Keep your luggage lightweight; you'll be glad you did after you've had to carry it a couple of times. You might consider the suitcases that have wheels on the bottom.
You will alleviate an incredible amount of strain on the back. If you have prescription medication, particularly pain relievers, make sure you pack a note from your physician, along with all prescription information. Having appropriate paperwork with you makes it easier to get through the airport security.
You may want to investigate traveler's insurance. Checking on medical insurance coverage abroad is a smart thing to do before you embark on your trip.
There are a few policies that do not provide this coverage, so check to make sure. Take some time to get to know the place you will be visiting before you leave.
Careful planning and preparation are key to any senior taking a truly enjoyable and safe vacation. Consider the following safety advice to help make your vacation stress-free.
If you take medications, be sure to have an extra week's supply with you just in case of unexpected delays. This is much easier than trying to find a way to fill your prescription in a foreign locale.
It's also a wise plan to see your doctor for a general, overall checkup before you take off. Ask what special steps you should take in case of a medical emergency.
You should also carry a list of who you would like to be contacted in case of emergency. The list should include your name, home address, family members, primary care physician, any health concerns you have and any medicines you take. Keep that information in your purse or wallet, and make sure your traveling companions know where to find it if there is an emergency.
If you're traveling to a different time zone, you'll need to keep track of the proper time for taking medications. When you are traveling during the holidays or to other countries, you will want to find out if there are any food that you should avoid. Be sure your vaccinations are current.
Some countries require specific immunizations before they will allow entry into their country, with some requiring shots six weeks before traveling. Make sure you keep yourself adequately hydrated, as the atmosphere within the plane tends to be dry. To keep from being stiff and sore when you arrive at your destination, stay mobile in the plane, walking in the aisle occasionally and doing some stretching and flexing while seated.
Heave suitcases are hard to carry, tedious to keep track and can bog you down. Simplify your vacation by traveling light and only taking what you will really need. But do include something for temperatures that are warmer or cooler than normal for the climate.
Sweaters and shawls can be worn during cool evening temperatures and places where air is climate controlled. Clothing that can be washed and worn again and again is a great choice.
What you wear is important. Take along clothing and footwear that is appropriate for touring and nice restaurants. Include comfortable shoes for walking and sightseeing as well as a pair for dressing up a little.
Fanny packs and large totes may advertise that you are a tourist. Be aware of your surroundings and carry a bag that can be zipped closed and worn across the chest.Do not keep all of your money or valuables in one place in case of loss or theft.
Another common occurrence during travel is lost luggage. It takes an average of three days to get your suitcases back. Make sure you let others know where you are going and how long you plan to be away.
Have a neighbor collect your mail and newspaper and keep an eye on your home. Provide a relative or friend with a list that includes all your destinations, the time frame in which you expect to be traveling to those areas, and contact information for your hotels.
by: John Chambers
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