subject: A Free Online Home Business [print this page] If you are reading this you are wondering if there is such an opportunity as a free online home business.
Have you been looking to start a free online home business or have been looking to find a new better way to make money? While many of us love the idea of free, and many times things that are free are not that bad, be careful. I have always been a strong advocate of "you get what you pay for." Compare a glass of water that you may want at a restaurant. The "free" water is normally tap water, to where you could get the sparkling and/or filtered water for a price.
Problems That Could Arise
The business model could be a scam.
There is no support for you.
The product or service is bogus.
There could be hidden agendas.
The Business Model could be a Scam
While many of us do our due diligence when looking at an online home business, you need to pay special attention to "free." Many times they will offer you a free online home business up front, maybe giving you a free CD or video to get you started. Unfortunately these opportunities turn into the new entrepreneur investing hundreds and or thousands of dollars for more pointless content.
There is no Support for You
With a free online home business you are paying for someone to be there to answer your questions. Oh, I forgot, you have a "free" online home business. So you aren't paying anything, so there is no body there. You decide to "contact us" on the website, then you are sent to an affiliate company that requires a monthly fee/subscription. So you're "free" online home business just has shown an ugly side.
The Product or Service is Bogus
As we all know any type of business either sells a product or offers a service. Here is a list of a few bogus opportunities:
Craft assembly
Medical billing
Email processing
Typing at home
Chain letters
Envelope stuffing
These opportunities normally offer you a teaser trial or a small fee up front to provide you with more information. Many times you just pay a small fee online, in which that small fee is rerouted through numerous overseas banks never to be seen again. There are currently millions of people willing to part with a few small dollars up front for their "free" online home business. These individual continues to line the pockets of these bogus providers year after year.
The Hidden Agendas Revealed
The hidden agendas for free online home businesses range from you being bounced from website to opt in box to downloaded able content. The spammers or individuals that create malicious software can attack your computer and install viruses, Trojans, or worms that can steal your valuable information. You may also sign up for a free monthly report, but what you may not know is that your information could be sold to others.
So in closing, next time you see an offer for a free online home based business, ask yourself is it really free? Nothing is ever really free. At which cost are you signing up for this free business. Remember, money may not be the only thing you may lose with a free opportunity.
by: Robert David Strong
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