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subject: Property Tax Overages - How To Make Thousands Per Month As A Home-based Business [print this page]

Property Tax Overages - How To Make Thousands Per Month As A Home-based Business

When you hear the term "property tax overages", you may think it's referring to people paying too much for their property taxes. It's actually quite the opposite. The term "property tax overages" usually refers to when people lose their homes to tax sale - it's the amount of money bid over the amount of taxes owed when a bidder bids on a property at tax sale auction.

When this occurs, the property tax overages (which can amount to a few hundred to a few hundred thousand dollars) are generally held by the government, and the former owner is entitled to come and collect the money within a given time period, after which the government is entitled to seize the funds. (Unfair, right?) Sadly, most of these owners don't know they can have that money, and leave it behind. If they ever realize it at all, it's usually too late.

Collect these overages on behalf of the owners, and you stand to make thousands per month in finder's fees. Without someone to do this, as just stated, most of these owners will lose everything.

Due to a legal loophole, tax deed overages are not limited by state finder's fee laws. This means you can charge 30-50% per transaction for your information and assistance in claiming these funds. Remember, without you, these owners will likely lose everything - so your information is well worth this percentage. Owners, who are usually totally clueless when it comes to where the "found money" is coming from, also don't complain too much about the fees.

Best of all, the business can be run entirely from your home office, whether you're in Indiana or India. All you need is a phone, an internet connection, and a very little bit of startup cash ($1000 or less) to get going.

by: Maggie Dawson

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