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subject: Secrets To Financial Freedom Revealed [print this page]

Secrets To Financial Freedom Revealed
Secrets To Financial Freedom Revealed

If you have ever dreamed of acquiring financial freedom and receiving all of the benefits that accompany it, such as:

1. Being able to take vacations to wherever you want, whenever you want, for as long as you want.

2. Having total job security

3. Being able to determine how much money you make instead of relying on a boss.

4. Being able to decide what your hours are. Want to knock off early one day? It's your decision.

5. Being able to escape the competitiveness, the backstabbing, and the long hours of the rat race.

6. Being able to spend much more time with your family.

The truth of the matter is, the secret of wealth is really no secret at all...and it isn't new.

Scientific evidence suggests that you can do it all by yourself, without luck or inside connections or extensive business experience.

In fact, a study of several thousand people revealed something very interesting about personal success. According to the study, exceptional gifts, such as talents, unique abilities, and intelligence, are equally distributed between

people with high and average incomes.

In other words, there is no such thing as an inherited propensity toward success or financial freedmo. In fact, average and wealthy people seem to be remarkably similar.

Secret Of Financial Freedom Revealed

So, if there are no inherited differences between the rich and the poor, what's keeping average people like you and me from accumulating true wealth?

Believe or ot, it's our behavior!

The only difference between you and the very rich is the way we behave! And all psychologists agree that behavior is the one area that is easiest for us to change.

Wealth is a state of mind. Few people get rich or acquire wealth at a single stroke; most people who become rich, grow rich, and the growth and development of a personal fortune is sometimes scarcely noted by the busy man or woman, who

is almost unconsciously growing rich.

The acquiring of money and property, once begun, is a simple and easy process; growing rich comes through habits that are fixed parts of one's daily life, that once on the road to wealth, it would be quite difficult, if not wholly

impossible, to stop the growth.

The poor are those people who spend more than they get or at least spend all they get.

Wealth, comfort, and even contentment are within the reach of all of us. But the road to success must be travelled mile by mile, day by day and year by year.

Many of us have dreams and desires of a better life, but dreams will end in dreams, unless we work and plan and sacrifice now.

Poverty comes from idleness. To attain financial freedom, you must do more and it begins with acquiring the knowledge and skills to realize your financial dreams.

Every man and woman cannot be rich, but you and I can.

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