subject: How to Create a Magnetic Personality Online [print this page] How to Create a Magnetic Personality Online
What do all the top internet marketers have in common? Well, it is what has come to be known as a "magnetic personality." But, is there a way to create a magnetic personality online?
The good news is that the answer to that question is "Yes." The bad news? Well, in a nutshell, you will have to resign to most, if not all, of your marketer/salesperson instincts in order to develop a truly magnetic personality. What if I told you, though, that it can be achieved, and almost instantaneously? What if I offered to walk you through a process that will have you on your way to creating a magnetic personality within minutes? Well, it is possible!
What is a magnetic personality? Let's start there. Magnetic personality is what describes gurus like Mike Dillard (from whom I gained most of the wisdom you are about to partake in), Jay Kubassek , Perry Marshall, Jonathan Budd, and others. These people do not have to call or recruit anybody. People look for them. In fact, I'm certain some people BEG them to take them into their organization or team, and they have to turn people away! Why does that happen?
Is it because they are smart, talented, especially gifted, or lucky? Could simply be because of their money or popularity? Well, the truth is that while all of these guys ARE quite special they are not any different from you or me. They are typical guys with atypical lives. As for the money and popularity, well, they did not develop a magnetic personality because of those things. It was actually the other way around: the earned those things BECAUSE of their magnetic personalities.
What is that "mystical" quality that got them there? Can we harness it as well? Well, the answer may surprise you a bit, but what got them there was their willingness to give more than they take. That's right. These guys became truly wealthy because they give. They provide value, real value, in their marketing, and social interactions. They give their time and money to worthy pursuits.
What can you do to harness that power? Well, that's even simpler. Find a mentor to copy and follow. This mentor could be a sponsor in business, an author, even a character in history. They don't have to know they are your mentors, just study them and follow their example. Next, you will need to mastermind and share with other like-minded people. Help each other grow. Finally, give back, or even better, pay forward. Share your newly found wisdom, ideas, and experiences freely and joyfully. Once you have enough confidence in yourself to let go of your treasures, others will follow your trail!
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