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subject: Financial Aid For Single Mothers - It's Not Too Late to Start Applying [print this page]

Financial Aid For Single Mothers - It's Not Too Late to Start Applying

Financial aid for single mothers is available, but you have to apply for it in order to receive it. There are billions of dollars of government grants and scholarships so start finding out which ones you qualify to get.

Let's fact it, being a single mother is a tough life. Usually single moms find themselves stuck in low-paying unrewarding jobs due to a lack of a formal college education. Don't blame yourself for this situation. It happens to the best of us, but it is never to late to turn your life around. By going back to school and furthering your eduction, you can become trained in a better paying career, which may have benefits, paid vacations, and even paid sick days. None of the minimum wage jobs offer any of those perks.

I know that returning to school while raising a child can seem like a daunting task, but there has never been a better time than now to hit the books. The government has many free grants that they hands out to those in financial need like the Pell grants. This grant has just been increased this year to over $5000 per student. Not only is the Pell grant available but there is also a grant for those who want to become a teacher and others for those entering the health-care field, just to mention a couple.

Don't forget, jut because you receive one government grant or financial aid for single mothers doe not mean that you cannot receive another one. Yes, these are stackable and if you are diligent enough, you may walk a way from school in a few years with a better education and owing nothing in student loans. click here to get a scholarship for college now.

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