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Global Usage of ATM's
Global Usage of ATM's

Though there are no definitive statistics detailing the exact number of ATM's in the world, it is fair to say that they have become an almost universal addition to any cityscape, landscape, and in some cases, seascape. ATM's are now a commodity we take for granted, but where would we be without them, especially in some of the more remote locations where one wouldn't expect to see a cash machine.

In order to analyse ATM usage on a global scale, financial institutions divide the world into seven regions, four of which include USA, Canada, Europe and Japan. These four have a higher proportion of ATM's per million people.

Most ATM's are located in convenient, highly populated areas, providing quick and easy access to our cash when we need it. However, what if you spend much of your time outside a city, a town or a village? What if you are in Antarctica? Fear not, there are even cashpoints in Antarctica.

In fact, the most southerly ATM is located at McMurdo Station in Antarctica, one of the most southerly places on the planet. At the other end of the spectrum, the most northerly ATM can be found in an Arctic region of Norway known as Svalbard. It is located halfway between the Norwegian mainland and the North Pole.

The world's highest ATM is thought to be situated in Nagchu County, Tibet, standing at 4500 metres above sea level. The lowest was installed by a local shopkeeper at the Dead Sea in Israel, and is some 421 metres below sea level.

Nowadays, changing ATM trends and the increased reliance on the machines has led to their installation on various cruise ships, where their presence has become almost ubiquitous, as well as aboard US Navy ships.

Around the globe ATM's perform a myriad of functions, and unlike cash machines in the UK, many international ATM's deal with more than simple cash transactions. For example, Indian ATM's allow users to devotional or religious contributions via the machine, whilst equivalent machines in Singapore allow customers to apply for an IPO.

Throughout the world, ATM's have became a standard attribute of modern society, performing an essential series of transactions, many specifically relevant to their national location as we have seen. However different their functions may be as we travel across borders, the significance of ATM'sand reliance we have upon them unites ATM's across the globe.

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