subject: Mayonnaise Treatment - A Cure For Head Lice [print this page] Mayonnaise Treatment - A Cure For Head Lice
During summer, head lice become the most common and rampant pests that infest humans, most especially the children. Head lice are very stubborn to remove. Even with specially formulated shampoos to remove lice, most mothers still turn to the conventional mayonnaise treatment to get rid of the nits (eggs of head lice) and lice. Shampoos contain chemicals that can be harmful to the tender scalp of the young ones that is why mothers turn to a home mayonnaise remedy. Mayonnaise treatment is as effective as its formulated shampoo counterpart in stunning the head lice but the best thing about it is affordability. Mayo is very cheap and most of the time, you can readily grab it from your refrigerator.
If you are considering a mayonnaise treatment for your child, it is best that you inform him/her of the treatment process. It is fairly simple but can be very icky and uncomfortable. You need to lather your child's hair with a generous amount of thick mayonnaise. Make sure that you do not miss a dry spot else the lice will seek refuge on that uncontaminated portion. Pile the hair up on your child's head and wrap it with plastic or shower cap. Do not leave any strand hanging out. Then cover it tightly with towel so that any mayo running down from the pile of hair will be absorbed by the towel. Leave it overnight. You might want to place an extra towel over your child's pillow in order to avoid any mess as mayo can leak through the plastic wrapping and towel. Children and mayo on their hair is not the best combination, as mayo can be very messy and children can be both messy and move around too much. So just pay extra attention on your child and try to bribe him/her with nice treats for behaving.
The process of applying mayo on the hair and covering it smolders the head lice. It basically suffocates these pests and at the very least stuns them. The next day, remove the towel on your child's head and the plastic wrap or shower cap. Position your child's head on a white washcloth and run a nit comb over your child's hair. Lice and nits are expected to fall off from the hair strands and on to the washcloth. If the comb can no longer remove the remaining lice, try to remove them individually with your hands. Otherwise, you can reapply mayo and cover your child's head for another night.
Wash away the nits and lice from the washcloth and hang it to dry. You can also use a paper towel as an alternative so you can throw it away afterward. Apply a generous amount of mild shampoo on your child's hair to remove the grease from the mayo. Shampoo again if you feel like the hair is still too greasy.
Aside from being cost effective, mayonnaise treatment contains no strong ingredients that can irritate the skin. A lot of people have successfully won their battle over head lice with this simple and cheap hair treatment. It is also adapted as a beauty regimen for women who wish to have shiny and moisturized hair. The fats and oils from egg are what made mayo very good for hair treatment as well as head lice removal.
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