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subject: A Basic Approach To Skin Care [print this page]

I recently saw an ad for a facial cleanser that was geared toward women that had outgrown acne but saw few, if any, signs of aging in their skin. Now, I have always had difficulties with my skin--or at least since I hit puberty--and now that I am in my mid-twenties, I am developing wrinkles and still have blemishes.

Unfortunately, everyone's skin is at least a little bit different, and therefore, there is no singular routine or treatment that keeps our faces looking fresh and young.

But if you are dealing with acne flare-ups or other difficulties, here are a few tips to use as a springboard into your own personal skin care regime.

First of all, you need to determine precisely what your skin type is. Most people have a general sense of whether or not their skin is oily, sensitive, normal, etcetera. But you should also recognize that there are the "middle ground," skin types such as combination or oily and acne-prone.

You may want to consult with a professional to pinpoint your exact skin type and the best way to approach treatment (if it is needed) or simply to help maintain beautiful, healthy skin if you already have it. You should also determine if you have any allergies, as I do--to benzyl peroxide.

In the morning, you should begin the day by using a gentle cleanser that is meant specifically for your skin type. There are some natural products that are safe to use for all skin types, so it is up to you to select your preference.

After you have done your initial cleansing, allow your skin to air dry rather than using and reusing a facial towel, as this can easily put bacteria back onto your face, which is exactly what you want to avoid doing.

On a regular basis, you need to use an exfoliating product to slough off the layer of dead skin cells that builds up as new cells form underneath. Avoid choosing a skin care product that has harsh, rough particles, as these can damage the epidermis rather than produce a healthy glow.

Instead, find a natural exfoliating scrub and a refining mask.

Once you have used your exfoliating treatment, apply a facial toner. However, be aware that some toners contain harsh chemicals, like alcohol and witch hazel. A high concentration of these can irritate skin.

At night, you should choose a light moisturizer. Avoid putting lotion under your eyes, as this causes excessive puffiness as your skin absorbs it overnight. However, treating under-eye wrinkles can be done with a cream designed specifically to help heal your skin.

Everyone wants to have beautiful, healthy skin, but for some of us, it takes a lot of work. If one product doesn't work for you, then keep searching--and be sure to visit a skin care specialist in your area to figure out your best approach to treating your skin.

by: Art Gib

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