subject: Turning Winds - Helping Parents With Troubled Teens [print this page] Turning Winds - Helping Parents With Troubled Teens
Parents of troubled teens will realize soon enough that their children are not faring well in traditional schools. They probably have difficulties making friends, or hang out with the wrong crowd, or they may have grades that are barely passing. They may even struggle with their relationships with the people at home. Counseling or therapy sessions may not be enough to make a noticeable difference in these children's lives. There are cases where struggling teens are more able to work out their issues and become better-adjusted individuals when taken out of mainstream schools and put into an alternative school system that responds more to their individual needs.
Turning Winds Academic Institute is one of the best alternative education schools you can find in the country. This therapeutic boarding school individualized and group therapy as students earn academic credits. The student to staff ratio of Turning Winds is low, and is maintained that way throughout the year in order to be able to focus on each student as needed. The admission rate of Turning Winds is only 50 students at a time, which is a great way to make sure that each child is given enough care and attention. No child is left unattended, unnoticed, or unrecognized.
Most of the time, parents will first opt to send their children to therapy while at the same time going to a traditional school. The success or failure of this method depends on what the teen actually needs. In some cases, the little time that teens spend in therapy is hardly enough to make a noticeable impact on their daily lives, especially if they still have to be in the same environment day in and day out. The therapy sessions are too few and far between, and the outside influence is too great. Especially for teens who have ADD/ADHD, they need a lot more help than traditional or mainstream schools can provide them. This is why alternative education such as the one offered by Turning Winds is an effective way of helping troubled teens.
Turning Winds' program ensures that each child is given the appropriate help that he/she needs while also making sure that they are not left behind academically. To give you a quick overview of Turning Winds' program, here are the three stages that each student goes through:
1. Orientation phase - In this stage, the groundwork is laid out for what kind of program a student will follow while in Turning Winds. Depending on the initial psychoanalysis, the length of stay and the frequency and type of therapy will be determined in this phase. Each student has an individual roadmap which could be adjusted along the way, depending on how they are responding to the therapy. Turning Winds provide individual as well as group counseling sessions in order to also utilize the positive aspects of group influence on each individual. At the end of the day, students gather together and participate in group therapy in order to process and assess the activities and the lessons learned each day.
2. Transition phase - After the orientation phase comes the transition phase where students are prepared to transition back to their home and school environment. Turning Winds provide a safe environment where students are confident that they will not be rejected or ridiculed. This isn't the kind of environment they could go back to when they decide to reintegrate into mainstream education. The transition phase should prepare them for reintegration. This is also the time when family members can attend family counseling in order to help the family understand and realize their role in helping the student get better. Having the support of the family is an invaluable aspect in a student's wellness.
3. Aftercare phase - When students come home and rejoin society, they're not left without any help. Turning Winds provides a good aftercare program with their network of off-site therapists who students can visit after leaving the program.
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