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Forces boys and girls especially appreciate a parcel at Christmas

Forces boys and girls especially appreciate a parcel at Christmas

Many parents in the UK in recent years have experienced for the first time the mixed emotions that come when they know that one of their children is serving in a distant place with the British armed forces.

The experience means that Christmas takes on a completely new significance. Instead of being a time when families converge from near and far to be together, that is just not possible. So many people have to find different ways of expressing their love and reminding others that they are being thought of. And no matter where in the world their service takes them, one of the most morale-boosting experiences in any armed forces member's deployment is when they receive a gift or a package which is simply intended to remind them how much they are being thought of.

Modern logistics mean that it is possible for serving men and women to experience many of the comforts and embellishments that go with a traditional Christmas, except the one that matters the most to everyone being around those they love and care for the most. That is where the services of the British Forces Post Office (BFPO) come into their own. The BFPO arose out of the Post Office Corps which was inaugurated during Queen Victoria's reign, and was later amalgamated with the Royal Engineers.
Forces boys and girls especially appreciate a parcel at Christmas

When the merits of using serving Forces personnel to deliver post to their colleagues, especially in far-flung destinations which might be the scene of heavy fighting, were eventually recognised, demand grew for the BFPO to offer its services to all overseas commands, and by the early 1960s its service became an integral part of every formation of British servicemen and women posted abroad.

Today, the BFPO is an executive agency of the Ministry of Defence. It assumed its current identity in 1999, and its operational centre is now at RAF Northolt in Middlesex, aside from which there are another 12 defence mail centres sited around the UK. These are responsible for sorting and delivering items intended for BFPO addresses anywhere in the world.

And as Christmas approaches each year, like any other courier company, their offices become increasingly busy as staff concentrate on the massive task of ensuring that mail and parcels, which are brought to the depots by postal and parcel delivery service providers from all parts of the country, get to their destination in time to provide that all-important Christmas morale boost.

International couriers are always geared up for helping ensure that any BFPO delivery reaches its nearest defence mail centre in the shortest time possible, so that it can then be sent on to its destination quickly.

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