subject: Buying Ashtrays [print this page] There are many kinds of ashtrays todayThere are many kinds of ashtrays today. Sky is the limit when it comes to the design, make, shape or model of ashtrays. Here are some facts about some interesting ones that we see these days.
They are usually similar looking. They look like a small pot that has pipe fitted over it. The pipe has a hole where people are supposed to through the ash. The pipe is long enough so people don't have to bend too much to through the ash in.
When the ash is disposed in the hole, it goes all the way down to the pot-like chamber at the bottom. Or at least, that's the basic idea. A standard outdoor ashtray can hold nearly 14,000 cigarette butts. 39"H and 16" diameter is more common.
Smokeless models
Okay, so you're sitting at your home, enjoying your cigar and finally noticed that you're not being able to see even 5 feet ahead due to the smoke. This type of smokeless models is designed to save you from these hassles. They can gently rest the cigar/cigarette and some sort of fan inside will literally suck all the smoke inside small filters. This in tern, greatly reduces the quantity of smoke dispersed in the surrounding air.
Such an ashtray can come with different makes and models. But most smokers go for the ones that come with special chrome stainless steel dish. They are just right for both home and office environment. Their flip top can hold a cigarette, while hiding the ashes whenever they're flipped closed!
There are many types of skeleton ashtrays. You can find cyborg-skull, human skull or even models that feature a miniature skeleton lying in the ashtray. To many smokers, they are considered gorgeous since they feature figurine or statue with comprehensive details!
Chrome standing
They are portable and look superb as a standing ashtray. Some are painted in black and get an extra edge with chrome top. Some models are designed with spin top. If you push the plunger on top, the tray starts to spin. That's how it runs its self cleansing operation! All cigs/ashes are thrown in the hopper. Many models are 27" to 30" tall with a 6" to 8" base. And when it comes to the top hopper, it measures around 5" to 6" wide and usually 2" deep. This is the basic idea of chrome standing ashtrays. You are likely to find many design variations as well.
by: Christoffer X Altesino
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