subject: Biz Global Media Launches New International Company With New Mobile Marketing Products [print this page] Text message advertising is just like it sounds: Advertisers can now blast their advertisements, special offers, and coupons to their audience and customer base. It's just like getting coupons in the mail. Except now you'll be getting them on your phone. For example, if you choose to be on Dominos text messaging list, you can receive promotional discounts and coupons via text (so you can save money when you order Dominos Pizza).
Al Krauza, President of BIZ Global Media says, This new launch offers a Massive Oportunity for BIZ Agency Owners in a day where typical Network Marketing Companies are opening with a product that is difficult to retail and difficult for representatives to earn substantial income, BIZ Global Media hit a homerun with our patent-pending business model.
According to the New York Times, Text message Advertising is The Most Powerful Medium Ever Invented.
Agency owners must first examine the facts to determine if this opportunity is right for them.
First, Industry and Company Facts: The Market is Enormous, with potentially over 3 Billion Cellphone users world-wide.
Instant Response Cell phone typically read their text messages within 5 minutes of receiving them. Over 80% of consumers keep cell phone in their pocket all day.
Fast Growing -600 billion text messages were sent in 2008 and over One Trillion Text Messages were sent in 2009.
Flexible Ideal for any business type or size. A business can begin a Mobile Marketing campaign immediately on purchasing any of the BIZ Global Marketing Products.
Instant Worldwide Reach Advertisers can instantly reach anyone in the world, or their local area.
With companies like Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Subway, Chevron, Am/Pm, Dennys, IHop, Century21, Dunkin Donuts, Target, Wallmart and hundreds more major corporations actively implementing and taking advantage of this powerful breakthrough technology, it is evident why BIZ Global Media is rapidly expanding its force of Agency Owners to capture a major share of this lucrative Advertisers market.
To become a BIZ Agency Owner, you simply need to purchase the Agency Builder Program for $295 (One-Time) set up fee along with a recurring monthly maintenance fee of $149. This provides your BIZ Agency with two personalized websites and passcode secured access to the BIZ online training platform.
BIZ Agency Owners are expanding their Agencies by enrolling other Agency Owners to retail the BIZ Products. As few as Six Agency owners can earn you $300 per month or $3600 per year. Fourteen Agency Owners in your Agency can earn you $900 per month or $10,800 per year. You simply focus on personally enrolling 2 Agency Owners.
BIZ Agency Owners earn 40% to 75% on retail sales and sponsoring AOs receive a 10% override on all retail sales.
Jim Ferras, CEO of BIZ Global Media, states, BIZ Agency Owners are provided with a complete Mobile Marketing package to use in business presentations. Each Agency Owner package includes, Unlimited Responder Texts, 1800 push text messages, 6 primary key words, unlimited sub-key words, 2,000 BIZ Text Advertising cards, each loaded with $5 of world-wide calling ($10,000 value), 2 personalized websites and a complete SMS Text Building system.
With over 26 million potential business prospects that will be utilizing Mobile Marketing and Text Message Advertising over the next 24 months, BIZ Global Media has enrolled an army of BIZ Agency Owners who are hitting the streets, calling on Small to Medium Business Owners in all 50 states. (Text BIZ to 82222)
According to The Heavy Reading Research Group, Mobile advertising revenues are expected to grow tenfold over the next five years, with various estimates ranging from $10 billion to $15 billion for 2011. In the coming months, BIZ is looking to launch its Mobile Marketing International Agency system in South Africa, Mexico, Canada and Australia.
About BIZ Global Media Inc.
BIZ Global Media, Inc. is a tier-one mobile marketing and text message advertising company. BIZ provides advertising, strategic media planning, SMS and MMS interactive marketing, direct promotional marketing, public relations and other specialty communication services worldwide. (Text BIZ to 82222)
Contact Information:
Al Krauza , President
BIZ Global Media Inc.
8 Whatney
Irvine, CA 92618
by: alkrauza
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