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subject: Simply Beautiful Dyeable Shoes [print this page]

White means pureWhite means pure. The color always reflects the true heart and purity of the wearers. Imagine how excited it will be for any bride to slip her feet in a pair of white shoes that match with her wedding dress. And imagine what would happen to those white shoes after the reception? Hard to match with any outfit? Been thinking about dyeing it but afraid the color might goes off? You don't have to worry if they are dyeable shoes. From white turns to any color that you wish for in just a sec. Pair of dyeable shoes are not just for brides, but to anyone, any girls in this world. From prom nights to party to fine dine, everyone is welcome to wear them.

Rebecca by Coloriffics is dazzling with its scattered rhinestones. These add more sparkles when you swing your feet to the ground. Definitely an eye catching for those who loves to be under the limelights spontaneously. A dyeable white platform, specially designed for ladies who seeks for stability and comfort with the addition of gorgeous in it.

If you love to show off your buffed toes with peep-toe style shoes, do check out Flo by Nina. No other words could describe Nina besides elegance. Its classic contour yet simple design promised to make anyone who wears it walking tall without looking back. Nina's simplicity in every curve of all shoes remains updated and never goes out of trend. Its traditional slingback structure is rejuvenated with a pleated open-toe and dotted sparkling rhinestones. Why worry about the blisters when Nina Flo features padded footbed to add extra comfort to this elegant pump.

Gain your confidence by wearing Vianca by Nina. It is the most perfect formal shoes for a bride-to-be, and of course you can dye it to match with your outfits once you are done with whites! Vianca is an open toe sandal with an elegant strap that wraps around your ankle for full grip and it is extended onto your calf designed for extra support and balance when your wear them. Yes, gems are included to add more sparkles as you tango at the dance floor. It has a comfortable heel and can be worn for any occasion. Reminds us of how Jennifer Lopez dances gracefully with her high heels along with Richard Gere in Shall We Dance.

You can be Alice in Wonderland if you choose Flower by Coloriffics. This platform is a must have where it have a rosette at the center and guess what, it is removable! You can put it on if you are in a flowery mood, and put it off when you feel like going for a simple and casual mood. Blisters are a totally no-no because it features leather outsole. You cannot find any 4 inches platform as cute as these dreamy flowery dyeable shoes. Get creative by dyeing only the rosette instead of the whole shoes.

What are you waiting for? Tempted but still hesitate to click Yes to buy is not going to help you sleep peacefully without thinking about these shoes in your wonderland dreams. Guaranteed, no regrets by having these dyeable shoes. You choose, you decide the color that you love with the beautiful peace that you have. You can transform them before it's too late.

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by: fashion expert

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