subject: Deciding on the Holcomb C3-R ® for Treatment of Keratoconus [print this page] Deciding on the Holcomb C3-R for Treatment of Keratoconus
Treatments for Keratoconus have grown over the last 10 years. The need for Cornea transplants to treat Keratoconus have decreased considerably. Several treatments have improved the patients vision tremendously over the last 5 years and patient recovery times have dropped allowing patients to return to work sooner than usual.
The treatment of the Holcomb C3-R is showing considerable promise when it comes to treating patients with Keratoconus. The procedure has stabilized patient's vision and if treated early in diagnosis can decrease the need for Hard contacts and glasses to improve the vision of the patients Most importantly this procedure his helping to stabilize vision and decrease the distortion of vision in the patients suffering from Keratoconus.
Below are several benefits of the Holcomb C3-R and Why you should use this treatment for your Keratoconus:
Keratoconus Progression Halted:
The Holcomb C3-R is a procedure that strengthens the corneal surface of the eye allowing clearer vision in the patient. The weakening of the corneal surface causes an irregular shape and distortion of the vision of the patient the strengthening of the corneal fibers in the eye improves the vision and can improve the shape.
The procedure is non-invasive:
The Holcomb C3-R procedure is a non-invasive procedure that uses drops to strengthen the fibers in the cornea to stop dramatic vision changes. But keep in mind that most patients with Keratoconus benefit more from using a combination of small procedures to fix their sight.
The Procedure has much less recovery time:
Since the Holcomb C3-R procedure requires no incision there is little recovery time and most patients return to work the day after the procedure is complete. Getting full results within 2 weeks 3 months after the procedure.
Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, MD is a renowned eye surgeon specializing in Keratoconus treatments, I-BRITE eye whitening, LASIK, and other procedures. More helpful information is at
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