subject: Payday Loans Online- No Faxing, Credit Check And Paper Work Is Needed [print this page] Do you need extra finance in your pocket for meeting an emergency situation in future. Then you should rejoice as many lenders are nowadays offering payday loans online. You can collect small cash amount between 50 and 1500 with this plan. The period of repayment of this advance is 1-30 days.
Payday loans online do not comprise of complex procedures ie. faxing, rigorous credit check and paper works. Therefore, individuals can receive cash instantly on the same day of submission of their applications. This plan consumes about 1-24 hours in fund transfer.
You have to fill a small online form of a payday advance company with your personal details. After submission, you have to wait for just few hours to receive the loan fund directly into your bank account. Therefore, you must have a bank account supporting online fund transfer. Other prerequisites of payday advance are:
1.You are over 18 years of age,
2.Youre employed in a permanent position since 6 months ago,
3.You are earning sufficient monthly income ie., 1000 or above &
4.You possess an active bank account of a bank in UK.
As payday advance amount is secured by an individual against his next month paycheck, collateral placement is not needed under this plan. You are still eligible for this scheme, if youre a bankrupt person or loan defaulter or insolvent person. However, in that case your monthly earning should be above 1000.
A borrower can spend the faxless advance amount on repair of his flat, extension work of his building, purchase of new car, computer, electric geyser etc. However, borrowers must strictly follow the repayment terms of payday finance. This plan impose heavy penalty on the loan defaulters or those skipping the payment. However, you can renegotiate the repayment terms with your lender, if youre unsure about the repayment of advance amount.
by: Paul wilsons
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