subject: Feng Shui - Discover The History & Origin of Feng Shui [print this page] Author: Amy C. Author: Amy C.
Feng Shui originated in China and translates to "wind and water". It was first used in ancient China about 3000 years ago to determine the auspicious sites for the tombs of ancestors. As time passed, the art was used in building palaces, monuments, government buildings, and eventually, whole cities were built using the principles of this powerful art.It is believed that about 90% of all properties in Hong-Kong are build based on the feng shui principles. It is taken very seriously in East. A bank was sued in Hong Kong by the neighborhood businesses because of its non-aesthetic construction. This bank was the Bank and China. The famous story is that the architect of this bank designed the bank in such a way that it killed the energy (chi) of its surrounding businesses. The arrow-like structure was intentionally designed so as to send the "killing chi" to it's neighbors. In response to this kind of design, the neighboring businesses erected mirrors to reflect the negative energy back to its origin and sue the architect.Feng shui is famously used to channel the energies that surround us on a day to day basis. It is supposed to be used for greater good. However, when used in evil manner, the law of karma kicks in and levels off the playing field.In western culture, it became the "buzz" in late 1990's. London is the place where most number of training and workshops are conducted. It has acclaimed its place as the feng shui capital of the world.Many entrepreneurs and business owners practice the art unknowingly. One of the best selling Jaguar cars, the E-type, was unknowingly designed with light reflection principles well known in feng shui theory. The principle of light reflection is the principle in which light smoothly reflects itself all the way from the front to the back along the surface of the material.Mastering the principles of this aesthetic art takes a lot of effort and energy. In the East, it takes 30 year apprenticeship to become a master. Interior design and furniture placement is only one aspect of this complex art, however, in western culture, it is famously known solely for that aspect.Many of us in the western culture have forgotten how to live in balance with our surroundings. The furniture and houses are designed so to enhance separation and isolation. This results in the feeling of disconnection and isolation from rest of the universe. Feng shui offers a strong hope to our disoriented life. About the Author:
Amy C. invites you to browse beautiful feng shui fountain collection at the tabletop fountain store. Adding a calming tabletop fountain to your home or office can help you enjoy the positive benefits of powerful science of feng shui.
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