subject: There Is Always A Reason To Buy Children's Clothing [print this page] When I had my first son I decided that I would take good care of his clothes as he grew up so that I could pass them down to my other children. I had figured that would be the perfect way to save money on children's clothing over the years. The one thing that did work out for me in that plan was that I ended up having four boys. I was able to pass down the clothing to each of them over the years.
There were a couple of things that I didn't think about with my plan. One of the first things that I didn't think about was that I could do all I could to take care of their clothing, but if they didn't do all they could to take care of their clothing it wouldn't last too long. The clothing made it past my second child and then it started to die with the third child. By the fourth I was starting over with buying new clothes.
The other thing that I didn't think about was that they wouldn't only want hand me down clothing. They would want new clothes for school, birthdays, Christmas and other times of the year. That meant that we would end up with tons of clothes in our house. I had saved all of the clothes that I could and then we would buy more children's clothing and it piled up. I found that we had to recycle it by sharing with family or taking it to a second hand store and benefit other people.
There is one other thing that I didn't think about and that was all of the times that I would want my children to have matching clothes. I would want them to all match for family pictures, but there were other times that I had to have them match. If we were going on a family vacation I would have them match everyday so that if I lost one I could say, "They look like this one." The other reason I loved it was because they were easy to spot wherever we were. I also like them to have matching outfits for Christmas parties.
My plan of saving money over the years has worked somewhat, but what I learned over the years is that there always need to be a budget to purchase clothing for children. There will always be a reason to buy something for them.
by: Art Gib
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