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subject: Why Buy A Flip Video Ultra Series Camcorder Review? [print this page]

Why Buy A Flip Video Ultra Series Camcorder Review?

There is definitely a cool factor that goes along with the Flip Video Ultra Series Camcorder. It's been all over the media, and even Oprah uses one live on her show. Is being cool good enough though? How does the Flip Video perform, when put through it's paces. What I wonder about, is how good can a camcorder really be that only costs $100 to $150? There has to be a catch right?

Before you run out and buy a Flip Video Ultra Series Camcorder, you might want to consider a few things. The video quality is not that great. We're basically talking about the same grainy video quality you'd find on YouTube or the thousands of other 2 minute video clip sites. Panning and zooming should be kept to a minimum with the Flip Video, as the camera struggles to maintain image clarity during these movements.

Ease of use is definitely a strong point with the Flip Video. There's basically one big red button for recording, and a couple more for reviewing and deleting. The Pure Digital promo video in all it's cutesy cartoon like style describes shooting videos as simple as making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. For most people it will be that easy. Simply record (big red button), upload (flip out USB), edit (software included), and share (included software emails friends and uploads to blogs or social network sites).

Of course, anytime you need a computer to do something, it's never that easy. I've never had the dreaded "blue screen of death" stop me from making a PB & J sandwich. There have been numerous reports of software problems, and really slow video uploads using the Flip Video with both PC's and Apples Macs. You have to give the manufacturers (Pure Digital) credit though, as they've been updating their software and firmware as quickly as humanly possible. As long as you keep up with the latest updates you should be fine. Just remember to keep your peanut butter clear of your USB ports ;)

The other best feature about this camcorder, is that it's fun. Sure, it'll never replace your dedicated HD camcorder for shooting high quality video, but it makes up for that in other areas. You can take the Flip Video with you anywhere. It easily fits into your pants pocket, a purse or backpack. For those spontaneous and unscripted events it's great to just whip it out and catch some really candid clips. YouTube and FaceBook fans will love it for just that reason.

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