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subject: Getting Rid Of Eye Wrinkles With The Right Vitamins [print this page]

You can take vitamins for getting rid of wrinkles. Ingesting them orally provides important nutritional benefits. And make this healthier, improve our immune systems, and can ward off disease. Volumes of scientific research validate the power of vitamins for our health.

We also know that it's possible to absorb vitamins through our skin with very beneficial results. Here's a list of item is used in skin care products and their benefits.

Vitamin A and its derivatives can really help getting rid of wrinkles, such as Retinol, are used to help reverse sun damage in to inhibit collagen and elastin breakdown. Vitamin A reverses photo aging and stimulates collagen synthesis. It's even good for acne, because it peels away layers of skin to help clear up blemishes.

Vitamin E offers a protective barrier for the skin when used topically. Sometimes used as tocopherol, it helps heal skin wounds and nourishes the skin, allowing it to stretch with ease and helping to prevent stretch marks.

Vitamin C can lighten skin and help getting rid of wrinkles because it's thought to inhibit melanin production. Vitamin C also stimulates formation of collagen. Further research is necessary to understand how it functions for skin lightning.

Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, aids in the metabolic sythesis of skin lipids and proteins. It also helps the skin to heal. The other B vitamins also nourish the skin.

Vitamin P is a group of bioflavinoids. Strictly speaking, bioflavinoids aren't vitamins, but we list them here because they are a nutrient similar to vitamins.

They include grape seed, ginkgo biloba, and citrus derivatives. These function as antioxidants to eliminate free radicals that can damage skin cells. They also help take redness out of the skin and function as humectants.

So be sure to take your skin vitamins in creams and lotions along with your daily vitamin tablets or capsules for help getting rid of wrinkles.

by: W.P. Allen

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