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subject: Global Dairy Food Market To 2013 ----aarkstore Enterprise [print this page]

Global Dairy Food Market To 2013   ----aarkstore Enterprise


This databook provides key data and information on the dairy food market covering 60 countries across the Globe. This report is a comprehensive resource for market, category and segment level data including value, volume, distribution and company share. This report also provides expenditure and consumption data for the historic and forecast periods.


*Contains information on eight categories: milk, yogurt, cheese, spreadable fats, cream, soy products, chilled desserts and fromage frais

*Market, category and segment level information on value and volume with historic (2003-2008) and forecast (2009-2013) data

*Category level company share as well as distribution share information for 2007 and 2008

*Review of the top two companies within the dairy food market, including company overview, key facts and business description


The global dairy food market grew at a compound annual growth rate of 4.3% between 2003 and 2008.

The milk category led the global dairy food market, accounting for a share of 35.9%.

The leading players in the global dairy food market include Groupe Danone, Nestle S.A. and Parmalat S.p.A.

Reasons to Purchase

*Develop business strategies by understanding the quantitative trends within the global dairy food market

*Design effective marketing and sales strategies by identifying key market categories and segments

*Identify key players within the market to plan lucrative M&A, partnerships and agreements

Table of Contents :


Chapter 1 Executive Summary 2

Summary market level: dairy food 2

Summary category level: spreadable fats 3

Summary category level: cheese 4

Summary category level: soy products 5

Summary category level: chilled desserts 6

Summary category level: milk 7

Summary category level: yogurt 8

Summary category level: cream 9

Summary category level: fromage frais 10

For more information please contact :

From:Aarkstore Enterprise

Contact: Neel



by: Aarkstore

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