subject: Hearing Problems: How They Affect Your Child [print this page] Ears should be treated wellEars should be treated well. Those who are hard of hearing can use lip reading or hearing aids for some help. It is an unfortunate reality that a large number of babies who enter the world with normal hearing experience loss of this sense due to either injury or illness.
Certain communicable diseases like measles or scarlet fever will commonly have hearing difficulties associated with them. An unremitting and serious cold, tonsillitis, sinus infection or diseased adenoids could cause your middle ear to acquire abscess or swell up painfully. Children can lose their hearing due to lack of medical treatment or not following the advice of a doctor.
Small children, on occasion, will put small items such as a wooden bead or a bean into their ears. If the item can be seen by the parent, they can be removed with ease. But if it is out of sight or is stuck, the parent should not dig for it or pull forcefully on it.
If you ever feel unsure when it comes to ear problems, call up your doctor. Sometimes, a tiny bug may find its way into the ear. You can generally remove a bug by pouring just a drop or two of warmed - not hot - Castor oil or sweet oil inside the child's ear.
Do not allow a child to remove wax from their own ear, particularly with items like bobby pins, matches, or pointed objects. The chances of the ear drum getting pierced or harmed in some way are far too great to be ignored.
The parent needs to be very tender when cleaning wax away from the outer ear. If wax becomes hard and impacted or if have other concerns, always check with your doctor.
Getting contaminated water in the ear, by swimming or some other way, can also cause an ear infection. If is often advisable to shield the ears when diving at significant heights, as the eardrum can easily rupture.
As with most things, moderation is the key when partaking in underwater swimming or high diving; if you do develop a sinus or ear infection, these exercises should be stopped immediately.
See your physicina immediately if there is discomfort, noises, or any kind of leakage from your child's ear. Too often a child has poor hearing, but it is not noticed because there is no pain or discomfort associated with it.
If your child doesn't hear you often when you call them or if speech is delayed or impaired in some way, you should request that your doctor run a hearing test on your child immediately. Partial loss of hearing can lead to annoyance and exhaustion in children as well as grown-ups.
A physical checkup is generally mandatory for children when they start school. If your child has suffered any loss of hearing due to illness or accident, the doctor should discover that during the exam.
However, if the parent has any concern, it should be mentioned to the doctor before he performs the examination.
Some children perform poorly in school because they have undetected hearing impairment. This is a treatable problem that could improve their performance. Even some truancy problems have developed because a child hates school.
These are usually children that are doing poorly in their class. Unfortunately, hearing loss can be difficult to diagnose and even the child's parents and teachers can miss the actual reasons for his truancy and poor grades. All parents want their children to be very successful in their school.
So take steps to protect your child from hearing loss due to causes that could be prevented. Provide your child with the opportunity to defeat his problem by seeking advice from your physician immediately. Ears and hearing are invaluable and deserving of the very best care!
by: John Chambers
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