subject: Traveling & Hiatal Hernia Treatment [print this page] There are many people who suffer from hiatal hernias each year. A hernia is the protrusion of an organ or body part into an area where it shouldn't be. A hiatal hernia is a condition that occurs when the part of the stomach, and in some cases the lower part of the esophagus, pushes through the hiatus in the diaphragm into the chest cavity.
Symptoms of a hiatal hernia are similar to those of GERD or acid reflux disease. These include heartburn, sore throat, hoarseness, chest pain and regurgitation. These are mainly caused by reflux of stomach acid and stomach contents.
Health care professionals rarely suggest surgery as hiatal hernia treatment. In some cases medications similar for acid reflux symptoms may be prescribed for a hiatal hernia treatment. However these drugs are notorious for their dangerous side effects and allergic reactions that can be deadly.
Another factor to consider is the fact that many people enjoy traveling and extended stays abroad. This can present a problem if you have become dependent on such prescription drugs.
Fortunately there are many home cures and natural remedies that can be used as hiatal hernia treatment. These have proven to be extremely effective for many and are well complimented by a healthy diet and regular exercise.
The great thing is that these natural remedies are easily accessed in almost any part of the world. And in fact, traveling can actually often make the diet and exercise portions of your hiatal hernia treatment easier as well. And if you are traveling to countries like China or other old world countries, there may be other natural remedies available that you can try.
The fact is that traveling itself often forces you to walk regularly and get more exercise than you might ordinarily. Many people fail in the exercise portion of their hiatal hernia treatment at home because they get bored of walking the same places or staring at the same walls in front of the treadmill. Traveling normally provides many new sights and paths to travel along with great new experiences that can revitalize the soul.
You will often find that traveling can also provide many more healthy options for eating that can make hiatal hernia treatment easier. Western society and in particular the North American way of eating with it's fast food and highly acidic diet has played a huge role in many health conditions, especially those involving acid reflux. Other countries often have more natural produce which in turn creates an overall healthier you. So if you having been contemplating traveling but have been worried about your hiatal hernia treatment, do a little research on your planned destinations and GO FOR IT!
If you are really concerned then spend a little more time planning your trip and how you can best accommodate your hiatal hernia treatment needs. Plan outings ahead of time that involve walking and sight seeing. See what fun sports there are to enjoy that aren't too strenuous or make reservations for excursions from your hotel in advance. Look up menu options at your hotel. Most airlines also will provide special meals if needed. If you are going to be staying in a location for an extended period of time then check out what local markets are in the area and you may even be able to have your hotel stock your room with items you need on your arrival including any natural remedies you are used to taking as part of your hiatal hernia treatment.
by: Nat B.
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