subject: Why there Are Stuttering Children and What You can Do About Them [print this page] Why there Are Stuttering Children and What You can Do About Them
You may be wondering why there are some children who stutter and what you can do to alleviate their situation. The truth is that there are many causes for stuttering children. Studies have shown that most children who have this speech condition have inherited this from one of their family members. Genetics, they say, plays a big part in stuttering. Other children may have this condition because of severe psychological trauma that happened to them or they may have witnessed happening to one of their family members. Another reason why kids stutter is simply because they cannot fully express what is in their minds due to lack of practice.
Whatever the reason may be, it is important to develop that empathy for these children and do something about it. But what can you do to help them in their stuttering? What are the things you can contribute to help parents who have childrenwho stutter so they can truly help their kids improve their speech impediments?
The answer comes in different forms.
One of the ways you can do to help children with this speech disorder is to teach them how to speak. Studies have shown that stuttering develops during the ages of 2 to 4. It is this crucial period that the child begins to develop his or her speech. That is why, encouraging a child to express himself is necessary to alleviate the speech disorder early on in the speech development stage of the child. If you wait later on to do something about this, then you will have a more difficult time seeing improvements in the speaking patterns of the person.
When you encourage the child how to speak, this includes teaching him or her the right words. If you are teaching within the ages of 2 to 5, flash cards, objects and pictures will definitely help in teaching them how to speak certain words. You can begin a game of naming each figure or object they see around them or in the flash card that you show so that they can practice speaking one word at a time. Once they have mastered certain words, allow them to say a sentence that you have taught them. If they want something from you or would like something done, encourage them by asking questions and taking the time to listen to what they have to say.
Some stuttering children may have anxiety as a reason why they cannot speak in a straight and smooth flowing manner. This may be associated to fear in speaking to others or a certain event in their lives that caused emotional trauma for them. If this is the case, the best thing to do is to let the child be and let him or her come to you on their own. Do not force them to speak; instead, try to reach out in an unassuming manner so they will feel more comfortable with you and let you help them.
Helping stuttering children may be quite a challenge. But the rewards of seeing them grow and flourish as well as have that confidence in themselves because you help them with their stuttering are definitely worth it.
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