subject: Why Malpractice Liability May Attach If Doctor's Error Causes Baby To Suffer Erb's Palsy Injury [print this page] Infants in some cases experience a birth injury referred to as Erb's palsy. It is an injury that may leave the child with a limp arm. An Erb's palsy injury may occur in the course of childbirth if excessive force is used, in so doing harming the nerves in the shoulder.
If your baby is affected with Erb's palsy you ought to contact a lawyer without delay to find out if you and your infant might have a medical malpractice case against the responsible physician. The injury results from damage to the network of nerve fibers that deliver signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm, wrist, hand and fingers, and so impacts control of movement and feeling in those areas.
It is an injury that usually happens to newborn babies in the course of a tough natural delivery on account of excessive pressure to the head, neck or shoulders. The types of deliveries in which a baby is most likely to be hurt in this manner include those with a big baby, breeched position or prolonged labor. If one of the conditions comes up, the doctor or other health care professional may use maneuvers (sometimes including forceps or a vacuum) that might produce excessive pulling on the shoulders in the course of a headfirst delivery or place excessive pressure on the arm and shoulder during a breech delivery.
Typically, the child tends to exhibit a limp arm. Basically, the arm hangs limp and is rotated internally. Because of the lack of use, the arm may appear underdeveloped as compared to the normal extremity. Further, newborns suffering from the injury might exhibit several other symptoms associated with difficulty with blood flow, such as skin rashes, slow healing, and a susceptibility to infections.
Many babies suffering from Erb's palsy make a full recovery within 6 months, sometimes after physical therapy. In cases with a rupturing or tearing of the nerves, surgery may be required, perhaps including tendon transfers to make up for nerves that have lost functionality. In the event that an operation fails to resolve the harm, the child might be left with permanent, partial, or total loss of functionality of the affected nerves, causing paralysis of the arm or arm weakness.
If your child suffer from the injury you should immediately contact a medical malpractice attorney to find out if you and your baby may be able to pursue a claim against the physician or other medical care professional liable for your baby's injury. Note that a plaintiff has only a limited amount of time to act or be forever barred from succeeding on the claim and from recovering. Consult with a lawyer concerning how much time may remain.
by: Joseph Hernandez
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