subject: Home Business; Why Build One? [print this page] Home business, its a rapidly growing industry, and one thing is for sure, its here to stay. Everyone knows the internet is growing and working from home online will continue to grow with the internet, but have you ever asked yourself why should I create a home business?
There are several reasons why a person should create a home business, but most people have never truly thought of them. Most people are usually so caught up in doing what they were taught, and that is get a good job, that they never truly look at any alternatives. Lets look at a few reasons to create a home business now.
Reason One:
I think the first and most important reason a person should work from home is for the freedom. These are my thoughts. I believe if you work for someone else you are not a free person. You have to get up every day when they tell you too, whether you want to or not. You only make the amount of money they allow you too. You only have time off when they allow you too. And we can go on and on but I think you get the point. My wife and I were in that position and we just hated it. We wanted to be together all the time and we couldnt because we worked jobs. Now I know what you are thinking, Ya right, Im a free person. Ok, tomorrow go tell your boss youre taking next month off and you want your full pay because youre going hunting for a month. See what I mean? Charmayne and I created our own home business and we can do that. Thats one of the many blessings from working at home.
Reason Two:
You can be paid what you are worth. Anyone who has ever worked a job has had this thought; man I need to make more money, this job just doesnt pay enough! When you create your own home based business you can truly be paid what you are worth. You see, your income is now in your hands. Its totally up to you regarding how much money you now make. If you want more money next month, just do a little more work this month. When you own a legitimate home business there is no limit to your income.
Reason Three:
Obviously there are more than three reasons to wanting to create a home business, but I will stop at three. What most people want whether they can articulate it or not is time and money. Time to do what you want to do and money to do it with. We covered those aspects above, but there is one more very important reason to build an online home business, and that is the ability to help others. You can create enough money to be able to give to others and to charities. Most people would like to give but they dont have the spare money to give. The other aspect of this is you can share this business with others. If you are looking for a way to your own home business, how many others are too? A legitimate home based business has room for others.
For more information on this exciting home business visit
by: Wendell and Charmayne Vannatter
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