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subject: Ulsoor Lake – A site of incredible beauty [print this page]

Author: Naveen Marasinghe
Author: Naveen Marasinghe

One of the largest of its kind in the city of Bengaluru, Ulsoor Lake provides travellers with an ideal destination to indulge in a calm row across its surface, relax on its grassy green banks or venture to any one its many islands. Ulsoor Lake presents an extremely scenic destination in India that has also made it the shooting location of more than one local film. Watching the sunset over the lake is yet another aspect of the areas beauty that should not be passed over when presented with the opportunity. For those wanting to traverse the lake on a boat, there is a small boating club located near the lake. This provides the perfect chance to see the whole area in a new light and stop off at one of the many islands that are located in its waters. Visitors have the choice of either taking a boat out by themselves or book a tour that takes all the boating responsibility off their hands. Travellers coming to Bangalore between August and September will be able to witness a special Ganesha festival that takes place exclusively during this period. Another religious attraction that is located here is the gurudwara which is the largest such Shikh shrine in the entire country which lies next to the lake. Various buildings that were constructed during the British colonial era still stand in their original locations next to the lake including a swimming pool which visitors can use to take a dip. Two other structures located nearby are Kensington Park and the Subbaraya. When exploring the many attractions of the city, travellers will need to find a suitable Bangalore hotel for their stay. Ista Hotel Bangalore is a popular choice among the many Bangalore luxury hotels due to its location that offers spectacular views of Ulsoor Lake.About the Author:

Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.

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