subject: My Journey To Lose Weight. [print this page] Like most overweight people, Ive been struggling to lose weight almost all my life. And over the years, Ive managed to shed a few pounds here and there only to pile it up on again later and more. Just like most people too.
And Ive tried all the tricks in the book to lose weight. Ive gone on diets (crash and otherwise) numerous times that Ive lost count. Ive tried to be more err.. active and resorted to jogging, swimming and other physical pursuits to lose those unwanted calories. I also joined expensive gym for the purpose. In fact, I have fast for three months straight for three years . just so that I can lose weight. And yes I did lose some weight again only to pile up the pounds again.
And as I got older, I became more sedentary and before I knew it Ive already becoming an obese person. My weight has shot up to nearly 310 pounds - a huge person indeed on a 5 feet 7 inch frame. And along the way, Ive become more unhealthy and was almost always sick. My condition worsen to the point that I can even bend myself to tie my shoe laces, and my joints are in perpetual pain.
Still, I eat on. After so many futile attempts to lose weight with no apparent results, Ive decided that enough is enough. I am no longer interested to lose weight. I believe that I was destined to be an obese person forever. I was not happy with my condition but really what can I do? So I resorted to food and more food. Before you know it, Ive ballooned up even more.
Until one day, a colleague suddenly collapsed at work due to heart problem. That was a real eye opener and jolted me back to reality. I need to stay healthy not only for myself but also for my family especially my young kids. They need me. And I need to be not just thin but more importantly healthy.
The realisation sets in. I no longer need to lose weight to fit into that nice looking attire. I no longer need to lose weight to look good. I NEED to lose weight to be healthy.
So I went online looking for one surefire weight loss program that can help me keep the pounds and fats off for good. I also asked around. Of course this brought a new problem I was faced and bombarded with one too many programs. I was at my wits end really to choose the best solution to my problem.
Until six months ago, a Facebook friend suggested calorie shifting to me. My initial reaction was calorie what?? And I wasnt to keen too as it does sound complicated.
But I went online and did some research. I discovered that calorie shifting is a way of varying the amount and types of food eaten from one day to another. It allows you to eat a wide variety of delicious foods without ever feeling deprivedand without hitting a plateau!
Apparently, those vicious plateaus were a big reason my years of dieting were so difficult. Every time I thought I had found a good plan I would suddenly stop losing weight. I always gave up, either switching to yet a new diet or just pigging out and gaining back all the weight plus more.
With a calorie shifting diet plan that doesnt happen! I was skeptical at first, but decided to give FatLoss4Idiots a try nevertheless.
What attracted me about this diet program was:
I wasn't restricted on how much food to eat, I liked my food as much as the next person so this was a real deal for me.
I could lose 9 Lbs every 11 days or more.
It did it all for me, generated my diet plan and told me what foods to buy and when to eat.
There was no starving involved and no hunger cravings between meals.
With calorie shifting diet, I noticed real changes in my body right away. In fact, I dropped almost 20 pounds the very first month! That was enough to keep the motivation going. And before you know it, the diet become simple habit.
I didnt have an hour a day to hit the gym or to hunt down obscure health foods or swallow down piles of diet pills. With the calorie shifting diet plan at FatLoss4Idiots, everything was simplified for me. I was handed all the tools I needed to start right away and I was eating real foods right from the corner grocery store.
Fast to start, fast to prepare on a daily basisand fast results! What more could I ask for?
Most importantly, I was relieved to find that a calorie shifting diet is very affordable and doesnt require those on-going expenses. FatLoss4Idiots practically gives the tools away, which was well within my limited budget.
Following the calorie shifting diet plan has taught me that so many of my past diets were destined to fail right from day one. Most were so restrictive that NO ONE can stick to them long term! The very act of forbidding all my favorite foods was enough psychological torture to guarantee failure.
FatLoss4Idiots taught me how to set up for success. Some days are more restrictive than others, but I have more say over what I eat and when I eat it. I dont feel deprived. I just feel energetic and more alive than ever.
Of course, it all comes back to the actual results. Dropping 20 pounds the very first month was thrilling, but losing consistently every month after and finally being able to maintain my weight loss long term has changed the course of my life!
I am so glad I gave calorie shifting that one last try!
Thanks to Calorie Shifting Diet .
by: Naiza Hasan
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