subject: Mindset of an Entrepreneur Running a Home Based Business [print this page] Mindset of an Entrepreneur Running a Home Based Business
Many people speak about the importance of a positive mindset when building any business, but few really understand how it really works. Few people often don't put the positive mindset it into practice. Throwing around quotes from self development books everywhere, but if they really understood their home based business would see outstanding results. This is very true because I used to be one of those people. I paid attention to famous quotes, but didn't fully understand the importance and how to use them in my own online business. I owe it to my mentor Robb Ewan for showing me how to put these skills I have now into practice daily and the results have been mind blowing.
You circle around the dominant thought in your mind and true enough thoughts become things. So the thoughts we think about the most eventually happens. I see so many new Entrepreneurs start with a home based business, but run it with the same mindset they have had up until where they are today. Listen. The definition of insanity is expecting different results by doing the same exact things. You will NOT get better results with your old mindset. A very good example of entrepreneur thinking is having a positive mindset about being debt free. If your well dominant thought here is debt then you will have piles of debt. Yea, more debt. No matter how good your marketing is. Having a mindset of negative thoughts moving forward in your business is like driving your car straight into a wall.
You must change the way you think about money. You must think about where you are going. You must live appreciating everyday you wake up. Once I got this, I got results. I'm going to set you out a task, on a piece of paper write down one thing you want to achieve. Write down how long it will take to get it and one thing your willing to give up to get it. You must also commit to some sort of self development for 30-60 minutes everyday in achieving that goal. I highly recommend Napolean Hills, Think and Grow Rich and Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within. They both lay out plans for you to follow daily to your success
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