subject: How To Find The Cheapest Auto Insurance By Doing Comparison Quotes [print this page] Finding the cheapest auto insurance begins with knowing what you are currently paying. You should also know what type of coverage you have including the deductible. This information can be found on a policy, current statement or through calling the insurance company. This process can take several hours in order to get several comparison quotes so be prepared to do the task completely in order to find the best deal.
Once you have all of your information regarding your current payments and coverages you will also need to have your drivers license number as well as be aware of any accidents or claims you have made with the current company.
Every company will have a different rate so have a piece of paper handy to write down each quote as you receive it. Start with going online and typing in cheap insurance and there will be hundreds of results. Go to several of the sites and enter the information.
Some sites will give you an immediate response through the companies website where others will send the results to your email. Write down each that is provided on a company site including the monthly payment, amount of coverage and what the deductible is.
There will be several options with some companies that will provide you with additional discounts. For example, if you are over fifty, have never had an accident and drive a safety featured vehicle these may qualify you for additional discounts.
An application for a quote will have numerous items that could provide discounts so it is important to thoroughly read the questions and give honest answers to each question. There discounts available for various vehicles, age, homeowner and driving record as well as the number of vehicles that will be covered on the same policy.
When you have completed all of the applications for several companies it will be necessary to write down each bit of information in order to find the cheapest auto insurance for you. Compare the deductibles and coverages to determine if the price will be lower. For example if one company offers a policy for a payment of one hundred dollars a month and the deductible is five thousand dollars where another company offers a monthly payment of one hundred and twenty dollars for a deductible of two thousand and five hundred dollars. Although the payment is cheaper on the first quote, in the long run it may be more beneficial to pay the extra twenty dollars for a smaller deductible.
by: Alexis Ford
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