subject: Liver Cirrhosis - Causes and Treatments [print this page] Liver Cirrhosis - Causes and Treatments Liver Cirrhosis - Causes and Treatments
Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver slowly deteriorates and malfunctions due to chronic injury. Scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue, partially blocking the flow of blood through the liver. Scarring also impairs the liver's ability to
control infections
remove bacteria and toxins from the blood
process nutrients, hormones, and drugs
make proteins that regulate blood clotting
produce bile to help absorb fatsincluding cholesteroland fat-soluble vitamins
A healthy liver is able to regenerate most of its own cells when they become damaged. With end-stage cirrhosis, the liver can no longer effectively replace damaged cells. A healthy liver is necessary for survival.
Cirrhosis also can be identified with symptoms like f that fever, Vomiting, Restlessness, Sleeping disorders, Loss of appetite, and some unusual weight gain/loss, tender muscles and muscle pain etc. Some of the other major Cirrhosis symptoms that are indeed somewhat complications are Diseases like Diarrhea, Blood clotting problem, Hemorrhoids and Abdominal swelling and pain due to enlarge liver, Reaction to medications, drugs etc.
Causes: - Cirrhosis is defined as a process of healing the liver where the cells are replaced or destroyed, and lose their working conditions. Cirrhosis can be caused by several factors. Alcohol is just one of many causes of cirrhosis. Themost common causes of cirrhosis in the world are the Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. Despite the popular belief that liver cirrhosis is a disease alcoholic, all diseases that lead to chronicinflammation of the liver (liver disease) May develop this disease:
Autoimmune hepatitis
Liver injury induced by drugs or toxins
Liver injury induced by alcohol
Viral hepatitis B, C and D
? Alpha-1 antitrypsin
? Wilson's disease
? Hemochromatosis
? Heart failure chronic right
? Budd-Chiari
Biliary cirrhosis
? Biliary cirrhosis
? Biliary cirrhosis chronic obstruction
? Haemobilia
Severe congenital intrahepatic ducts (Alagille Syndrome)
Cirrhosis, cryptogenic (cause unknown)
Steps to treat and prevent cirrhosis: -
Abstain from alcohol - Alcohol abuse is the single most important reason for liver damage. Up to 100 percent of heavy drinkers show evidence of fatty liver, about 10 to 35 percent develop alcoholic hepatitis, and 10 to 20 percent develop cirrhosis.
Change your diet - Reduce sodium in your diet drastically. Avoid canned and packaged foods. Use salt sparingly while cooking and seasoning. Eat several small meals a day. Take adequate protein. Reduce fat. Blood sugar levels may be too high or too low.
Herbal Remedies - Milk Thistle is recommended as an herbal remedy for liver damage. In addition the ayurvedic formulation Liv 52 is also well known for detoxification and liver support in cirrhotic and pre-cirrhotic conditions.
Herbal Remedies:
Milk Thistle is recommended as a herbal remedy for liver damage. In addition the ayurvedic formulation Liv 52 is also well known for detoxification and liver support in cirrhotic and pre-cirrhotic conditions. Its ingredients include Capers (Capparis spinosa), Wild chicory (Cichorium intybus) Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Negro coffee (Cassia occidentalis), Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Tamarisk (Tamarix gallica).
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