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Tomatoes: Protection Against Cancer
Tomatoes: Protection Against Cancer

Small red tomatoes nestling among green peppers, slices carrots and spring onions not only brighten up a salad but also give some protection against a wide variety of cancers. They have other more mundane properties as well. People may be less likely to suffer sunburn and prematurely aged skin if they eat tomatoes, rich in lycopene, and other fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids.

Carotenoids are micronutrients, mainly dark yellow and red that give some fruits and vegetables their color and health giving powers. Tomato juice or ketchup with fish and salad not in any way replace a high-factor sunscreen, but it offers some protective action against inflammation, pre-mature skin aging, photo sensitivity disorders and some skin cancers. The carotenoids in tomatoes, peppers and pomegranates, once eaten widely distributed in the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin.

In the skin they help to absorb the light and act as antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory response to sunburn. They act by increasing the circulation of the blood to the ski and thus its nutrition. The better skin nutrition is the less is its scaliness and roughness and the better its thickness and hydration. Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that affects inflammatory and other cellular pathways, received universal approval, its power also benefits from synergistic effect. When lycopene is extracted from tomatoes rather that other substances, it contains two other naturally occurring carotenoids. These provide the necessary synergistic reaction that has an influence on a large number of cancers, including importantly prostate and breast cancer.

Everyone should take more apples, tomatoes and pomegranate juice. They should not forget ketchup, tomato juice, tomato sauce and paste. The lycopene in cooked tomatoes is more available than in the raw variety. It will make it safer for you to wonder around in the early morning or afternoon sun as you lay in your store of vitamin D for winter

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