subject: How To Spend Less Time Fooling Around Online And More Time Actually Working [print this page] Have you ever been sitting behind your computer, and you suddenly looked at the clock, and it was 3:00 in the afternoon and you hadn't done ANYTHING?!?!Sadly, this is a fairly common occurence among Web surfers and online business owners. However, by implementing a few habits, your time at the computer will be infinitely more productive.
Stay Focused On The Present
The problem with surfing the Web is that it has SO many tempting diversions. Generally, the initial culprit is email.
We begin reading and responding to our email, which then causes us to go on a "wild goose" chase of following links. Of course, each link entices us to more delectable tid bits of information.
Pretty soon, we are lost!
The social networking sites are another "sinister" diversion. We get so involved with following discussions, pretty soon we forget what we intended to work on to begin with.
One step in managing this rampant lack of productivity, is to make a list of important tasks that we need to accomplish at the computer, and away from the computer.
Make this list while sitting elsewhere, NOT by the computer. If you try and make the list while sitting by the computer, the temptation to be distracted may be too great.
Make your list the night BEFORE you intend to perform the tasks.
Plan to work in focused blocks of time, and then take a break to do what you want. A good ratio is 90 minutes of work to 20 minutes of "play".
Place the list, and the time blocks, in a place that is HIGHLY visible from your workspace. Become VERY aware of the time, by asking yourself, "what am I doing right now?"
This will help you stay focused on the present.
The key to making this ritual "stick"is to make it known to all the people close to you that you are on a schedule. Then, let them know when your "breaks" are, so they will not distract you.
Once you have adhered to this schedule for between 21-25 days, it will be a habit. And remember, "good" habits are as hard to break as "bad" habits!
by: Lahooch
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