If you have gotten the hang of how Beezid works and have used Autobeezid successfully a couple of times, then this article is for you. The following are some advanced AutoBeezid bidding strategies which you can use to improve your winnings at Beezid.
Use the AutoBeezid late in an Auction Currently, this is the most reliable strategy to increase you winning odds at Beezid. The strategy is best employed in penny auctions and requires a relatively high bid spend; typically 30% of the retail price of the item. This AutoBeezid bidding strategy operates as follows:
Identify an auction that is approaching its average historical selling price and get your AutoBeezid to start bidding within a price range at this level
The auction should have as little competition as possible and should not have any other AutoBeezid bids (at least not just yet)
Make sure you apply enough bids to the AutoBeezid so that you constantly remain the highest bidder and outbid your other opponents. You should set aside bids worth 30% of the retail price as mentioned earlier for this endeavor. This may seem high but overall, you will be acquiring items at 70% off the retail price which is a massive return
The aim of using your AutoBeezid late in an auction is to get in at just the right moment when other bidders are leaving the auction, thereby improving your chances of success. It can also be very intimidating to other bidders when they see an AutoBeezid that bids perpetually just when it looked like the auction may end. You can call it psychological warfare if you like; the point is, the demoralizing effect on your opponent's significantly improves your chances of winning. However, this AutoBeezid bidding strategy can be expensive. Make sure you have the financial muscle to pull it off before making an attempt.
Use the AutoBeezid Early in an Auction
This AutoBeezid bidding strategy is risky but can reap the most benefits. It is used in penny auctions and the trick is to overwhelm your competition. In military parlance, this strategy would probably fall under guerilla warfare tactics. The idea is to ambush other bidders with a sudden AutoBeezid early in bidding thereby discouraging other bidders from continuing or choosing to wait. Here is how it works:
Identify an auction where the countdown timer is nearing zero for the first time
Gauge the competition and make sure no one else is currently using AutoBeezid
Set up your AutoBeezid for the price range needed for your bid spend to be equivalent to roughly 2% of the retail price
Engage and conquer
This ambush will catch unsuspecting single bidders flat footed. In many cases, early single bidders are usually new to Beezid and are still learning the ropes. When they see your AutoBeezid bidding over and over, the natural reaction will be to give up and move to another auction.
Finally, in order to use these advanced AutoBeezid bidding strategies effectively, you need some insider knowledge of Beezid. For example, you need to have information on the average historical selling price of items and you need this info within a click. A tool such as Beezidpro is a must have. With such a tool you will be able to view data that only Beezid employees have access to such as historical price stats, historic prices, sniper stats, bid spends by other bidders, wins by other bidders, bid timelines and much, much more.
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