subject: Options Option Trading Systems [print this page] Know Your Options Know Your Options
Even though trading in the market is, in many circles considered gambling, it appeals to people for a wide variety of reasons. All of the reasons preferably lead to only one conclusion, making money. Whether youre interested in just trading part time, you must treat it as your own business. You dont need a lot of money to invest, however, you can lose a lot if youre not completely dedicated. Those people who play the market for fun, had better have money to burn. For the rest of us let me go over your options.
The popularity of option trading has grown over the past couple of decades, mostly due to everyone having easy access to the internet. Like most things having to do with the market, options began as way that commodities could be assured of a future price. No one knows who came up with the concept, but to hedge their bets options were created. Remember, an option is a contract between a buyer and a seller that gives the buyer the right, BUT NOT THE OBLIGATION to buy or to sell a particular asset (the underlying asset) at a later day at an agreed price. What began more than 150 years ago at the Chicago Board of Trade, Kansas City Board of Trade, the Minneapolis Grain Exchange, and the New York Cotton Exchange, has evolved into the fastest way to make or lose a fortune.
Like penny stocks, options appeal to small investors because the initial cash outlay is smaller than actually having to purchase the assets. It is for this reason that many go swimming in the option pool without first learning how to swim. Before they know it, they are in the deep end, treading water and going under. Many of the online brokers have their new clients show proof of option trading experience before allowing them to trade in options.
So why, you ask, should someone even consider toying with option trading? The answer is, you shouldnt. Unless of course you already know a little something about day trading. The modern trader does not hold onto an option very long. In most cases the option gets sold the same day it was acquired. The secrets to finding the right asset to option are twofold. You must look for a stock or commodity that has a lot of movement, up or down doesnt matter. Second, there must be higher than normal volume. If you are not properly trained or at least have some options market knowledge, you can lose your investment in an instant. I am of course referring to the American market where an option may be exercised on any trading day on or before expiration. A European option may only be exercised on expiration. There are several different styles of options available. This is just one of the many things you must know about to become a successful options trader.
As In Life, Your Options Are Many
Types of options are
Exchange traded options which are:
1. stock options,
2. commodity options,
3. bond options and other interest rate options
4. stock market index options or, simply, index options and
5. options on futures contracts
Over-the-counter options:
1. interest rate options
2. currency cross rate options, and
3. options on swaps or swaptions.
Knowing What to Trade Is Just the Beginning
The Right Platform Is Your Only Option
This is why you must be knowledgeable and confident before attempting to do even one option transaction. Without correct and through training and the right kind of software to trade on, you can very easily lose your investment. To be affective the platform should meet at least a minimum of three qualifications.
1. It must be able to offer live streaming technical data. (Otherwise the program is merely educational)
2 Visually it has to be large enough for all the data to be seen easily. (Many of the online brokerages technical data is too small to be useful)
3. It must be cost effective. (Most good systems can be purchased for between one and two hundred dollars)
I dont profess to being an expert, but I do know of some. I obviously dont have the time to go into all the details now, but at my site
Market Mentalist you will find all you need to know about investing online. There is an abundance of up to date articles and product information on Options Trading..Online Option Trading Systems. There is also access to some of the top trading systems available including software, books, newsletters, and Forums. Whether you are an inquisitive novice or a seasoned pro Market Mentalist offers the online investment resource you just might be seeking.
by: Avery Mann
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