subject: Chances of getting pregnant [print this page] Chances of getting pregnant Chances of getting pregnant
This is a story a bit 'special, narrated by' voice 'of a child of 5 months who explained how his parents could not have children but wanted it so much. They did not give up and thanks all'embrioadozione (frozen embryos left over from couples who have already had a child and give them to other couples) made in Spain can now hold her.
Anyone who would like more information on this technique can apply directly to them, valuable members of the community Pianetamamma, can be found here: Pinerolo TO and are willing to help those who want a child so much but of course it can not Chances of getting pregnant
Hello, my name is Alex and I have almost 5 months.
Want to tell a story, that's my story.
My papi and my mamy have always wanted children, but never arrived and were almost resigned over that hurt.
One day in 2007 to a gynecological examination, were diagnosed with fibroids, endometrial cysts and in places that they would not allow the conception and were there for years without anybody noticing plus gave no problems.
Operation of an emergency, my poor popes did that for three days 24 hours 24 to assist the mother and even go to work. Yes, because my papi and my mamy are alone without family and everything must go it alone with their forces.
After the operation, the anger rises up for lost time and had no pregnancies, and from that moment there was more resignation, but only the desire and determination to become pregnant and want a puppy to love and cuddle.
The gynecologist had yet to spend time advising reports, targeted the basal temperature and other stupid things not realizing that you were already over 40 years both.
The primary 'hospital said that both could not do anything now, because surely the ovarian reserve was of good quality with very low probability of pregnancy of 2, max 3%.
More anger, daddy was about to get their hands on the primary because they missed the first time and they say it's too late to IVF or other LDCs.
But my papi staggers but does not give up and begins to turn the network in search of information of all types by looking in forums, in newspaper articles, in reviews.
The mother did not really matter much hope and was always very down now convinced that it was over.
At one point they were very well that if the child was not genetically their own, did not care, it was enough to have a child to love and grow with love and joy for them was all that could be desired.
Prior experience they made with egg donation in Greece.
Poor mammy, bites on her stomach, hormones, various tests and finally the transfer but .................... !!!!!!!!!!
Something happens during the transfer did not allow any way to my mom to see the positioning of the embryo and tapping into other details, my papi and my mom are sure that in fact the center cheated some couples and they are finished inside.
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